View Full Version : jeez-- revenge of the sponsor banner
Michael Pace September 30th, 2006, 05:16 PM Well, schnitt. So about 20 minutes ago i'm down in the Vegas forum here and i'm clacking away posting a pertinent question for the nice folks. In between pithy ponderings for the thread i look up and see 3 bottles of Shiner leering at me (Bock, Blonde, and Hefe-Weizen i think). There it is again!! OK four bottles now. They're increasing!
So now my completely constructive and disciplined night of reading Rousseau for next week has been slipped into the Later basket. An evening w/ some Bocks, reading Walter Murch, and diddling around on the forums is seeming way more likely. Maybe i'll watch Fandango finally and send it back to Netflix.
So little discipline,
So little time.
I submit that in a former life Chris was one of Pavlov's dogs. Now he seeks his revenge. And has a website to do it!!
thanks a lot Chris
--why could'nt you have made something putrid the beer sponsor?!
Chris Hurd September 30th, 2006, 05:55 PM why could'nt you have made something putrid the beer sponsor?!That would defeat the purpose Michael. Glad to see that the system works, and I hope you're enjoying the National Beer of Texas. By the way, it goes down smooth while listening to Murch's audio mixing wizardry in Coppola's 1974 masterpiece The Conversation.
Jeff Anselmo September 30th, 2006, 09:20 PM I wouldn't have said, until I've tasted it (in a New Mexico bar no less!)...but yes, Shiner Bock is a good beer indeed.
With or without Mr. Walter Murch :)
Michael Pace September 30th, 2006, 10:02 PM it goes down smooth while listening to Murch's audio mixing wizardry in Coppola's 1974 masterpiece The Conversation.
you know, i have been entirely lax in Netflixing (yes that's a legal verb now) Conversation. I've studied it for years, am reading about it constantly via Murch, but saw it on tape prolly a dozen years ago. Thanks for the reminder
BTW: the actual town of Shiner is a way cool, very photogenic place. I passed thru there on a cross-country motorcycle trip last summer. I got there after the brewery tours had closed, despite doing my best to haul arse from San Angelo and make it. Lovely little burg regardless. I love me some Texas.
Cheers all,
Chris Hurd September 30th, 2006, 11:23 PM Wow, you'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to make it from San Angelo to Shiner before quitting time. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and look around next time I'm pasing through on the way to Houston.
Michael Pace October 1st, 2006, 03:19 AM Wow, you'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to make it from San Angelo to Shiner before quitting time. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and look around next time I'm pasing through on the way to Houston.
well, that's why i did'nt make it to Shiner in time: i did'nt break camp at San Angelo SP ( a great camp BTW) until 'round 10AM. I took FM roads (read: slow but glorious) through Fredericksburg, Luckenbach, to your stomp Chris, San Marcos. And yes i thought about you while i was disoriented there.
I rolled into San Marcos w/ fast traffic i'm guessing on the Blanco road. Pulled off in a little neighborhood parking lot to hydrate, and this walking guy started chatting me up. He was a fellow biker, and gave good intel on clearing town easily. Good chat. He also told me i had been making piss-poor time to have only gotten as far as San Marcos from San Angelo. I did'nt dispute him-- too hot and salt-crusted to argue. Moto travel in summer Texas ain't as rapid as one might think. The Lone Star state is nowhere near as hot as AZ, but it's magnitudes bigger. That factors. I told him to point me towards Shiner, Texas and he did.
Shiner TX is a little gem. I was travelling thru on my way east after 4 years in California. That eastern crescent of TX is very familar to me as a southerner. I felt at home there. Pecan trees.
As a filmmaker i keep a wary eye on our beloved capitalism-- i have mild, distant fears that Shiner will get diminished by ever-growing bottomline expectations.
"Time Code Break" -- i hope they're kicking back some gratis product yr way, Chris. It's brilliant.
Frank Granovski October 2nd, 2006, 03:38 AM I gotta try me one of them Shiners.
Joe Carney October 2nd, 2006, 10:05 AM Fortunately, Shiner in various forms is available in most supermarkets here in NOVA. I would say the Bock compares very favourably with Stella Artois, just a little drier. If you like the taste of hops, Dominion Lager is great. Don't need Sam Adams any more because of it.
Joe Carney October 2nd, 2006, 02:30 PM Oh my, he's right. On my way home I'm stopping by the store and picking some up. I had no idea I was so easily influenced (well beautiful women influence me quite easily....).
Joe Carney October 2nd, 2006, 08:22 PM Tragedy. On my way home, I stopped at 2 different stores and they were sold out of Shiner Bock. I'm not kidding. The beer department managers said they had some on order. So I bought some Pilsner Urqel. Best Pilsner on the planet from the Czech republic.
Happiness is...
Grilling Chicken and Steaks, enjoying a Six Pack of Shiner Bock and listening to Willies' Place (Willie Nelson radio) on XM radio.
Rob Lohman October 4th, 2006, 07:36 AM What? No chocolate Joe? :)
Joe Carney October 4th, 2006, 11:24 AM What? No chocolate Joe? :)
Chocolates' all gone now :). I'm going to try those things you sprinkle on toast next.