View Full Version : HD1 in Africa
Bo Lorentzen September 30th, 2006, 12:25 PM Hello Guys,
Right now Im on the way back home from South Africa where I have been kicking it for the last 2 weeks in the Ulusaba area of Sabi Sabi sands. seeing lions at 2 meters distance is breath taking.
More important, I did bring my HD1, with a spare battery and the wideangle lens, it worked flawless and Im nor strugeling to figure out how to edit and mange lots of gigs of data...
a few of the clips is already uploaded to and can be found at
More clips will arrive over the next few days. so far the one uploaded is from VGA - but i have some particularly cool ones also in 720P these will also make it online over the next few days. though in scaled versions as several of them run larger than 250meg
Gabriel Yeager September 30th, 2006, 01:12 PM When I clicked on the thumb nails, nothing happened.
Do know whats wrong?
Bo Lorentzen September 30th, 2006, 01:16 PM Not sure why, but my guess would be it might be related to the site using QTVR, try clicking on the FLASH link.
Gabriel Yeager September 30th, 2006, 02:51 PM Still does not work. I'll try using firefox to view it.
UPDATE: It works fine on firefox. I'm surprised at how well you can keep the little camera steady.
Very beautiful footage. thanks for sharing!
Bo Lorentzen October 1st, 2006, 12:30 AM Gabriel,
Thank you, I use the antishake which did make a huge difference on the long shots. The real issue was staying clam when the lions now and then came to the Land Rover to take a closer look (smile)
Gabriel Yeager October 1st, 2006, 12:51 PM Haha! Yeah I bet!
Marc Louis October 21st, 2006, 07:38 AM hi Bo i watched a few of your clips...but i'm a bit confused you said some will be in VGA but i had the feeling that actually all of them are in VGA, cause the quality doesn't see any superior of the footage i shot with my Sony M1 camcorder...which is not HD of course !
i could see big pixels in a lot of your clips , especially the one "driving along the Pacific coast" (isnt it August 2006 by the way ? you put 2007)
i'm still thinking of getting the HD1 but your clips got me quite i remember having seen many HD clips from the HD! with better video quality
PS ; might have been frightening to see lions up close ! on the shot called "LIONS EATING A BUFFALO" did u use the full range of the 10 X zoom or only part of it
Bo Lorentzen October 21st, 2006, 07:54 AM Hello Marc,
Sorry for the confusion, What you are watching on those clips are ALL VGA or less, as this is the limit of the service streaming them I wish I had a way to show some of the HD clips this way. The HD1 is wastly superior to what you see from the streams...!
Using it in Africa where I was to photograph was easy because it slipped in the front pocket of my photo-west and I would pull it out for clips, I was in a LandRover open pickup and kept the antivibration on at all times - and yes I used all of the zoom range while there. however the lions eating the buffalo was about 3 m from the pickup and no need for full zoom on that one.
Traveling with the HD1 was a great experience, naturally I would have wanted more broadcast quality, but for the size tradeoff the HD1 did the trick and I am very happy I brought it.
Marc Louis October 21st, 2006, 08:31 AM Hi Bo
thank you for the quick answer...finally after being amazed by the HD1 video quality last spring, then afraid by the editing part (i edit my current mp4 files from my sony M1 very easily...and i know with an HD cam it will get more complicated and time consuming), i found myself considering other cams on the market like the next XACTI CG6, which is not HD but will be something between my current camcorder and the HD1
now i think i'd better go and buy the HD1 as it has zoom 10 x and it will be a real improvement over my current cam
Bo Lorentzen October 21st, 2006, 08:36 AM Marc,
The HD1 is a great little camera. to get a real idea of the quality check the downloadable files on my website at - these are in full quality.
Naturally you need to realize that the MP4 file is about 4 times larger - 1 meg per sec - than a SD file. this affects the time it takes to render effects. (smile)
The good news is that the HD1 also can shoot VGA 640x480 at great quality so you have a alternative to the large file when you do not see the need.
Marc Louis October 21st, 2006, 12:06 PM oH YEAH THANX, I remember i had downloaded some of those HD files from your site back then
i enjoyed them !
edit:the kick boxin one seems new, i m dowloading it now