View Full Version : film look in Vegas

Ron Coleman
September 28th, 2006, 04:29 PM
I was reading the description on the VASST site of the Celluloid with ReelPak-1. It says it's a "standalone application for Vegas 5 and above". Does anyone know how well it works? Also, will it definitely work with Vegas 6? I'm just looking for something that will give some video clips a more film-like look. I realize nothing is going to make video looks exactly like film, but I have some clips I'd like to mix in with some film footage without it being too obvious.

I've also read about an app called CinematiQ that is being offered for an introductory price of $99. Anyone familiar with it?

Kyle Ringin
September 28th, 2006, 08:50 PM
Hey Ron,
I'm using it with Vegas 6 - you should be fine. It's basically presets for filters - colour correction, contrast, etc etc. It won't necessarily give it a film look, but you can give the footage a bit more 'mood'. While it is true that anything Celluloid can do, you could do with Vegas only, it gives you presets to quickly get you close to where you want to be, then you can tweak everything.
Oh, and it's pretty cheap too.

Haven't used CinematiQ - I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has though.


John Rofrano
October 1st, 2006, 03:00 PM
I was reading the description on the VASST site of the Celluloid with ReelPak-1. It says it's a "standalone application for Vegas 5 and above". Does anyone know how well it works? Also, will it definitely work with Vegas 6?
It definitely works with Vegas 6 and I didn’t realize that it uses the term “standalone application”. Celluloid is not stand-alone, it’s plug-in to Vegas. I have just changed the wording to be more accurate. It now says:

Celluloid is a script plug-in for Sony Vegas® 5 and above. It contains ReelPak-1 by David Jimerson which also plugs into the VASST Ultimate S tool.

We used the term “stand-alone” at that time so that people knew it didn’t require Ultimate S. The text is a bit misleading to say it’s a standalone application. That may give people the impression that you don’t need Vegas to use it. You do.

It's basically presets for filters - colour correction, contrast, etc etc. It won't necessarily give it a film look, but you can give the footage a bit more 'mood'.
Celluloid is more than just filters. It allows you to convert your footage to 24p, converts your project to 24p and widescreen. It then adds the film-look filters. This gives you the film cadence as well as some popular movie looks and a 16:9 widescreen aspect.


Kyle Ringin
October 1st, 2006, 11:18 PM
Sorry JR - I am from PAL land and I also shoot in 16:9 so I don't have a need for 24p or 16:9 conversion. FWIW I think Celluloid is well worth it for the presets only..

Brian Luce
October 2nd, 2006, 01:16 AM
isn't vegas bundled with magic bullet? that's a film look kit isn't it?

John Rofrano
October 2nd, 2006, 04:56 AM
I am from PAL land and I also shoot in 16:9 so I don't have a need for 24p or 16:9 conversion.
I agree with you. If you are already shooting 16:9 and 25fps the conversion sis not needed. I should have thought of that.

isn't vegas bundled with magic bullet? that's a film look kit isn't it?
Yes, but it renders 10x slower than Celluloid. Have you ever used Magic Bullet? It takes days to render. I understand the new version uses your GPU if you have a modern nVidia 6800/7800/7900 series card but if you don’t have one of those cards it takes a long time to render. Celluloid uses the built-in Vegas FX and renders much quicker.


Joe Carney
October 2nd, 2006, 12:56 PM
Could someone post a link to CinematiQ?

Mike Kujbida
October 2nd, 2006, 01:03 PM
Could someone post a link to CinematiQ?

Correct spelling is CinemantiQ.

Ron Coleman
October 2nd, 2006, 01:38 PM
It definitely works with Vegas 6 and I didn’t realize that it uses the term “standalone application”. Celluloid is not stand-alone, it’s plug-in to Vegas. ~jr

Thanks for the clarification. I have Vegas 6, but I wanted to be sure I didn't need anything else to run Celluloid and Reelpak-1.

I've looked at some of the stuff that's included with Vegas, but it isn't very impressive as far as giving a film look. They rely on things like scratches and a grainy appearance for a "film look". It really doesn't look very film-like.

For $24.99, I guess there isn't much to lose by trying Celluloid with Reelpak-1. I just wondered how well it really works. I'm also considering giving CinematiQ a try for the $99 intro price.

John Rofrano
October 2nd, 2006, 02:50 PM
I just wondered how well it really works.
Well don’t wonder. Download the 15-day free trial ( and see for yourself. Celluloid comes with 6 built-in film looks so you can test them out on your project. The built-in looks are:

Cold Ethel
Feelin’ Blue
Pushed 16mm
Romantic Lips
Welcome to Oz
Winter’s Coming

All of our software comes with a 15-day free trial. I don’t buy any software that I can’t try out first and you shouldn’t either. ;-)


Kyle Ringin
October 2nd, 2006, 03:56 PM
isn't vegas bundled with magic bullet? that's a film look kit isn't it?

Vegas comes with "Magic Bullet Movie Looks" It isn't the full Magic Bullet Editors, it's a cut down version. From memory you are stuck with a very limited number of presets and can't tweak much except 'blend with original' to adjust the severity of the filter.

Also as John said it takes eons to render. While you might think 'that's ok I'll just render overnight' that gets old quickly - especially when you get up and the render is only 30% complete or something...


Steven Davis
October 3rd, 2006, 02:10 PM
What version of Vegas comes with Majic Bullet?

Ron Coleman
October 3rd, 2006, 02:42 PM
All of our software comes with a 15-day free trial. I don’t buy any software that I can’t try out first and you shouldn’t either. ;-)


Thanks. I'll give it a try.

Mike Kujbida
October 3rd, 2006, 02:43 PM
What version of Vegas comes with Majic Bullet?

Magic Bullet Movie Looks HD 50 is an optional download at (or shipped with the boxed version) for Vegas 7.

David Jimerson
October 3rd, 2006, 10:00 PM
FWIW I think Celluloid is well worth it for the presets only..

Thanks, Kyle! Warms the heart to read that . . .

I've been overwhelmed by the positive response Celluloid and the Reelpaks have received. I'm glad to know everyone finds them so useful!

Kyle Ringin
October 10th, 2006, 03:57 PM
I think I'm going to have to pick another Reelpak to buy myself...

Ron Coleman
October 25th, 2006, 03:55 PM
I'll second Kyle's remarks. I downloaded the trial version of Celluloid with Reelpak-1 and it is definitely worth it. It's also nice to have a trial version that isn't limited to 10 seconds of footage.