View Full Version : Sony Z1U or Canon XH-A1

Paulo Salomao
September 27th, 2006, 09:00 PM
Hello there,

Was hoping to get a little help with this new purchase.
I am looking into spending around 5k (CA) on an HD camera and can't decide in between those two. (or if you suggest another one within same budget, I am listening)

I shot a few things with the XL2 and decided to sell it. I am just looking for a better quality picture with a smaller body.
Am I going to get about the same quality with these cameras?

Tom Roper
September 27th, 2006, 09:25 PM
The XH-A1 is newer, and is expected to have the same picture quality as the much more expensive XL-H1.

I have the Z1U. While it is all around excellent, I plan to upgrade to either Sony's V1U or the Canon A1, whichever has the better 1080i quality. 24p is not important to me.

I hope to see some V1U clips soon at 1080i, to see if they can maintain the reported excellence of the 24p. If not, then the H1 is a fallback position to a known quantity.