View Full Version : Hello from Buckinghamshire

Alan Bairstow
March 11th, 2003, 03:43 PM
I only discovered today but have already read some really useful stuff - some of it relevant to problems I have encountered with equipment etc. I am semi-retired from 30 years in broadcasting but refuse to lie down yet. I work with a coleague of similar vintage - we mainly do 2-camera shoots of school/local productions/concerts etc. and also make fund-raising videos for local charities. We have rcently acquired a Canon XL1S and a Canon XM-2 (LG-2). We edit our 2 camera shoots replaying on 2 Sony DSR 100's via a Videonics Pro DV mixer into a Sony DHR 1000
I am looking forward to much interesting browsing and info swapping on

Ed Smith
March 12th, 2003, 03:17 AM
Welcome, feel free to mouch around. Nice to see ya.

The XL1s and XM2 are great cameras and I'm sure they will give you the results you need.

All the best from Hampshire,

Ed Smith

Frank Granovski
March 12th, 2003, 04:58 AM
Welcome Alan!

Rik Sanchez
March 12th, 2003, 10:25 AM
welcome Alan,
I used to use the old Videonics MX-1 with two Sony VX-1 cameras and mix on the fly like you. Lots of fun except for trying to synch up the two camera at the beginning(I hated having to remix the two or three cameras later, finally got a G4 and did all my mixing nonlinearly. It's still in use when we shoot fashion shows and mix 4 cameras on the fly to project.

I always wanted to get the MX Pro, glad you found this site, look forward to hearing from you on the boards.