Simon Duncan
September 25th, 2006, 06:52 AM
I'm new to After Effects and very naive to what After Effects has to offer. I currently edit short films using AVID Xpress Pro.
My question is:
Can someone explain to me or point me in a direction to see examples of how/what After Effects can add/do regarding actual video production?
This is a very crude and general question. SORRY
But just would like to know what After Effects could add to my video production.
Jimmy McKenzie
September 25th, 2006, 07:05 AM
AE is basic 3d manipulation of 2d objects in a key-frameable space that allows for creativity way beyond any NLE. You won't build and manipulate 3d objects, but for text effects, animating an illustrator or Photoshop composition and matte work, this program is worth the time to learn.
Much deeper control over masks, mattes and the different elements of effects like lighting, environments (smoke, lightning, fog) and motion control.
This program requires a learning aid. Do not attempt without a good reference book.
Simon Duncan
September 25th, 2006, 07:33 AM
Any suggestion on a good reference book with video in mind?
Jimmy McKenzie
September 25th, 2006, 07:45 AM
Total Training:;storesessionid=QZDILLXBD435LQFI0IKBT44AVDJBKIV2?id=catTT_AfterEffects7Advanced
Emre Safak
September 25th, 2006, 08:26 AM
Get Chris & Trish Meyer's books.
Cal Johnson
September 25th, 2006, 11:12 AM
Ditto to Emre, Trish and Chris Meyer's "Creating Motion Graphics" books are a great way to learn After Effects, arguably one of the best text books written for After Effects. Be advised that currently (unless this just changed) they offer two texts, and they are based on After Effects 6.5.
For an instant idea of what After Effects can do, go try Andrew Kramer's, click on the products link, and then click on the "Serious Effects and Compositing" and watch the little movie that comes up. That will give you a really good idea of just a few of the things that After Effects can accomplish.
After Effects 7 Pro is really raising the bar for post production graphics. There are some simple things that people aren't aware of. For instance, you can use the "Spherize" preset on a flat, 2D image of earth, to create a totally convincing 3D earth that rotates, has shadow, etc. You can even add a cloud layer. Its how Steam created the planet earth you see for Discovery Channel.
If you start getting into After Effects, you probably really fall in love with it. Just one word of warning. While it is a deep program, and yet not all that tough to learn, a lot of tutorials out there start with preping something in Photoshop, so if you are, like me, not a Photoshop user, you might find it a little frustrating.
Nick Jushchyshyn
September 25th, 2006, 01:14 PM
Get Chris & Trish Meyer's books.
Ditto seconded !!
Yes, the books currently in print are based on 6.5, but 99% of what's covered still holds true .... once you find your way around AE's new UI.
The other major enhancement in AE 7 is linear processing, which generally effects film work more than video.
BTW: The manual and tutorials that come with AE aren't a terrible place to start either.
Don't forget to ask lots of questions here at dvInfo, too. :D
Have fun.
Liam Dunlop
October 3rd, 2006, 12:59 AM
To show you a peak of what After Effects can do watch Rubber Johnny (
That film led me to this simple lesson on lasers which was the very time I used After Effects.
Even though it was written for AE 5.5 it still holds up for AE7.
Blasters, Using the Beam Effect.
Original Version.
Flying Tie Fighter (
My Version [2005]
Tie Fighter Blasting Rebel Scum (
Get you trained
After Effects 7 Pro Essentials ( otherwise have some fun with a gun, some bombs and a time machine (