View Full Version : still pix resolution?

Robert Bobson
March 11th, 2003, 09:22 AM
the still picture that can be captured with the PD150 - does anyone know the equivilant resolution as compared to digital still cameras? 2meg? 3meg? more?



Jeff Donald
March 11th, 2003, 11:22 AM
About 1 mega pixel. The camera is intended for video, not still photography. The extra resolution would be wasted on video.

Tom Hardwick
March 11th, 2003, 02:51 PM
If you shoot progressive scan (PS) to tape the resolution will be 720 x 576 (less than half a mega-pixel) but it's better than the 640x 480 that you get to Memorystick.

I know it sounds pretty awful in these days of mega-pixel digital still cameras, but few of them have 12x zooms, three chips, Steady shot and so on. The stills from my VX2k defy the pixel count, and I can shoot in motor-drive PS mode all day long.


Steve McDonald
March 31st, 2003, 03:05 AM
Actually, even though the DV recording on tape will contain slightly more pixels, if you capture a still image off the tape to any J-PEG medium, it will end up with only 640 X 480, the same as if you directly capture to the Memory Stick. However, some computer-based capture systems may have a lower (better) compression ratio than the in-camera J-PEG memory capture. Therefore, going from tape directly by FireWire to a computer and bypassing the Memory Stick, may give a better result. You might also go directly from tape to one of the uncompressed still picture formats, for highest quality, although the 640 X 480 pixel-size limit still applies. If you used the memory mode in the camera with its J-PEG compression, the uncompressed still formats in a computer wouldn't have as much with which to work.

Steve McDonald