View Full Version : USB2 faster than PCMCIA? For CF transfer to Laptop?

Peter Jefferson
September 24th, 2006, 09:43 PM
jsut a question.. i jsut bought a Sandisk CF to PCMCIA adapter and running it with Ridata 2gb 150x CF cards...

Now i was always of teh assumptin that PCMCIA was faster than USB considering it didnt route through teh USB bus pipeline... But it seems hts actaully a little slower???

Any ideas?

I bought it to save me from havni got carry around one fo those all in one card adapters, asl i only really need CF and SD/MMC ( SD.MMC is already built in)

SO i tried copying and pasting etc.. and it was markedly slower... well its either that or im losing the plot... any ideas?? IM wanting the fastes card to HDD transfer speed..

as im using a 5d, i was thinking aboutthe wireless networking transmitter... but thats like over a grand or so and its really not needed.. not yet..

Jeff Miller
September 25th, 2006, 10:02 AM
Are you truly using a PCMCIA slot or an in-built card reader?

On my book the in-built card reader is clinically a USB device. If your in-built card reader is USB, and it's USB1 as well, that could be your problem.

Peter Jefferson
September 25th, 2006, 07:40 PM
hmm.. no, im using the PCMCIA slot.. or PC Card slot.. ive also got an express slot.. but i have no idea swhat id use it for...

I also have a CF adapter which runs on USB2, but this is fine with ok speeds.. its the PCMCIA card whch seems rather slow...

Tommy Haupfear
September 30th, 2006, 10:41 PM
I have a PCMCIA CF reader and its also as slow as molasses. Thats when I found out it was only 16-bit and you need a 32-bit PCMCIA reader to really speed things up.

Peter Jefferson
October 4th, 2006, 04:50 PM
yeah i notieced that to Tommy.. PCMCIA runs lke a bag of... yeah anyway.. turns out theres a Expresscard adapter which runs about 5 to 8 tims faster (as fast if not faster than USB2
This expresscard stuff is for laptops running PCIe chipsets... but i only fond this adapter from one US retailer who was chargina fortune for it.. when u consider USB2 adapter is about 10bux.. i thnk il just stick with that..

Tommy Haupfear
October 12th, 2006, 09:51 AM
Peter, is this Expresscard adapter you were talking about? $59 MSRP doesn't sound too bad but doesn't seem to be out until next week.

Ben Winter
October 12th, 2006, 12:06 PM
I thought CF cards had internal speed 20x, 60x, 80x, etc...

Peter Jefferson
October 12th, 2006, 06:58 PM
Hey Ben,
yeah they do.. different generations have boosted speed... im running 150x CF cards which is about 12 to 15mb per second... theoretically, reading the card should be faster, but its not..

on a 2gb card shooting 12mp RAW @ 12mb each, you got about 65 images. Theoretically it shouldnt take more than 3 minutes to transfer on a 5200rpm laptop HDD

last transfer i did through USB2 took 13 minutes which is slower than burnign a DVD.. and thats through into a 7200rpm ide drive

these express cards apparently run 5 times faster than ide.... or was it USB2.. i cant rememebr now..

Peter Jefferson
October 12th, 2006, 07:00 PM
thanks for that link tommy

its one of the models ive seen... seriously considering it.. jsut tryin to find an aussie seller... :(