View Full Version : Spot about the less expensive 35mm adapter

Dwight Flynn
September 22nd, 2006, 01:25 PM
Hi Spot,

About a year or so ago you demonstrated (in NY) at one of your Vegas training seminars a 35mm adapter (somewhat like the rather expensive mini 35mm) that cost hundreds rather than thousands of dollars. I have misplaced my notes and wondered if you remembered the name of the company that produced the adapter?

Thanks as always


Wes Vasher
September 22nd, 2006, 01:30 PM
This Wikipedia entry has a few links to adapter makers... not sure if it's one of these...

Dominic Jones
September 22nd, 2006, 05:23 PM
There are a few options:

1) Redrock Micro M2 (I've got a *feeling* this was the one Spot demo'd)
2) Letus35
3) SG Pro35
4) Cinemek G35
And possibly others...

I've got a Redrock M2 and it's great, and I've used the SG Pro35, which is good but can be very close to the limits of your cameras focus range, due to the Achromat lens being rather close to the ground glass of the adaptor.

Can't speak for any of the others, but I've seen some great footage from the G35 online.

Check out the "Alternative imaging methods" forum for more info on all of the above!

Dwight Flynn
September 24th, 2006, 08:43 PM
Thanks guys, I thought it might be redrock but was uncertain.


Douglas Spotted Eagle
September 24th, 2006, 09:50 PM
I've been travelling with the RedRockMicroM2. We're using it this week on a Grand Canyon shoot as well.

Gints Klimanis
October 10th, 2006, 03:21 AM

Which lenses are you using with the Red Rock adapter, as well as which camera ?


P.S. Oh, I just finished your book HDV What you Need to Know. Thanks for a great reference.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
October 10th, 2006, 07:39 AM
My "usual" lens is the Nikon 105mm, 1.4 model
Glad you liked the book, I hope you're reading the second edition (white cover) as it's the most up-to-date.

Gints Klimanis
October 13th, 2006, 05:03 PM
I've ordered the RedRock Micro M2 for use with my Nikon AF lens collection, many of which are fast primes. Hard to wait for their 4-6 week delivery time.

DSE, thanks for that informative review of the M2. Do you also use the MicroFocus add-on ?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
October 13th, 2006, 08:23 PM
I've ordered the RedRock Micro M2 for use with my Nikon AF lens collection, many of which are fast primes. Hard to wait for their 4-6 week delivery time.

DSE, thanks for that informative review of the M2. Do you also use the MicroFocus add-on ?

Yes, I do use it. I got my hands on one the second I saw it at NAB 2006. Very impressed, it's smooth as silk. There is a review of it on the VASST website.

Gints Klimanis
October 13th, 2006, 11:17 PM
DSE, Yes, I read your RedRock Micro review before, but I'm not sure I need it intially.

I ended up buying your "Now Hear This! Superior Sound for Digital Video" DVD. Your rapid Voice Over Box assembly guide sample video just rocks. I laughed the whole time while learning exactly what I needed. Jeez, to think that I used to record the singer of my college band in the dorm room closet.

I already had the Wes Cavalier DVD "Location Sound", which was underwhelming at 30 minutes of instruction, much of it repetitive. I learned more from your video sample clips.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
October 13th, 2006, 11:39 PM
Jeez, to think that I used to record the singer of my college band in the dorm room closet.

I already had the Wes Cavalier DVD "Location Sound", which was underwhelming at 30 minutes of instruction, much of it repetitive. I learned more from your video sample clips.

FWIW, you'd be shocked at how many major motion pictures contain recordings done in closets. One that specifically comes to mind is the opening sequences of "Hidalgo (BuenaVista)." We didn't have a good space to record the flute inserts to the alternate tracks as they were "gotta haves right now" pieces. So, we used a coat room at the post house, and filled it with every coat we could find, plus a couple of blankets. Was dark, but it worked well.