View Full Version : Strange FCP logging problem

Michael Althaus
September 22nd, 2006, 04:39 AM
We have a strange problem when logging footage from an IMX player (over FireWire). I logged clips using the F2 Key stroke. As soon as I type in the name of the clip and press ok, the outpoint of the just logged clip jumps to the out point of the previous logged clip. That happens with about a third of all the clips I (tried) to logg. Any ideas what the problem might be? (The error doesn't occur if I press "i" (to set the out point) before I press "F2")
Thank you....

Cody Lucido
September 22nd, 2006, 08:48 AM
I am confused by your post. I use FCP all the time and I use "O" to set out and "I" to set in. You say you are using "I" to set the out? Did you re-assign keybaord shortcuts?

Michael Althaus
September 22nd, 2006, 03:49 PM
sorry, I meant "O" for the out point of course...