View Full Version : Movies on HD-DVD/BluRay, comments?

Yi Fong Yu
September 21st, 2006, 07:39 PM
I looked back a few pages and no one here is talking about these HD formats. as video enthusiasts... i thought that is something that all of us would be talking about to death =). now that it's finally here, as you guys know, HD-DVD is fairly presentable with some minor issues with BluRay. both formats launched with bugs... but HD-DVD player was corrected with BluRay still having macroblocking/pixelation issues.

any feedbacks at all? anyone buy into it? i'm waiting for a universal player at close to $200 price point =).

Marvin Emms
September 21st, 2006, 09:26 PM
All I can say is from the UK point of view, high def optical formats have yet to wash up on the windswept shores of western europe.

HD-DVD is pencilled in for November, and the PS3 has been postponed until March due to lack of blue laser diodes. When the official Blu-ray launch is here I don't know.

Emre Safak
September 22nd, 2006, 07:37 AM
I don't care about what the films Hollywood offers look like. All I care is that we have a means to distribute our own HD content. No more printing to film.

Earl Thurston
September 22nd, 2006, 10:44 PM
I find myself waiting until either 1) one format becomes a clear winner, or 2) dual-format machines are common. Plus, they have a lot of kinks to work out regarding DRM.