View Full Version : Cineform logo on AE exports

Morten Gjerstad
September 21st, 2006, 01:36 AM
I just upgraded to Aspect HD 4.2 and now I'm getting some red and white lines and text saying cineform on my renders out of After Effects. What's going on? I checked activation and it looks ok, I only have the option to deactivate.

Update: I tried to uninstall and reinstall both 4.1 and 4.21. When uninstalling I get the following message: "Could not locate Adobe Premiere plugin registry key"

David Newman
September 21st, 2006, 08:11 AM
Yes, it could a pathing issue with that missing Adobe registery. Both also it looks like you are using the VfW export from AE. Instead of selecting "Video for Windows" in the output module, select "CineForm AVI". Your results should be better.

Note: for my info, what codec version is listed under Video for Windows?

Morten Gjerstad
September 21st, 2006, 12:49 PM
Thanks David, that fixed the problem. Under VFW it says codec version 2.7.

Morten Gjerstad
September 22nd, 2006, 12:48 AM
New problem:

Cineform avi files do not show up in the designated folder after rendering in After Effects. This happened a while after I started using the "Cineform AVI" option in the output module. I can still render out using the VFW option, but then I'm stuck with the red and white stripes and cineform text on my video...

David Newman
September 22nd, 2006, 08:32 AM
"designated folder" that is an AE setting, we don't select were the file goes, you do. You might want to create a template so you setup for CineForm AVI export is straight forward.

Morten Gjerstad
September 22nd, 2006, 01:49 PM
By designated folder, I mean the folder that I chose the file to be output to. The Cineform avi did not show up after rendering, as if I hadn't rendered a file at all even though the render was stated as done in AE. But after reinstalling the AspectHD 4.2.1 the problem went away only to make way for a new problem: AE now crashes on Cineform renders after a short while, but the rendered file does show up on my harddrive afterwards.

David Newman
September 22nd, 2006, 02:10 PM
Submit a support ticket so QA can investigate.

Jeff Baker
September 23rd, 2006, 05:56 PM
Just tried rendering in apecthd 4.21 captured footage in AE 7. Selected the default vfw output by accident the first time and got the watermaks.

Read this, banged my head (oh yeah I forgot about this) and selected cineform avi for output. First few rendered frames showed the watermark then it went away. I stopped the render for now.

I restarted it again and it started rendering without any water mark on the screen. Since this is Magice Bullet Looks I am apply it will be a bit before I can see the results.

Extra note:

I captured the footage in PPro 2.0 from sony 1080i hdv source and I checked the De-interlace button to test how it would work. When I imported the resulting footage into AE, I had to re-interpret it (AE thought it was 29.97) to 23.976.

I also just ran the upgrade today from 4.1 I believe.

No watermark or trial warning in Prem Pro, just AE.

Brian Luce
September 25th, 2006, 04:22 AM
I was using the trial version a while back in sony vegas 6 and dvd architect 3 and when I burnt the dvd I also got what seemed like a cineform watermark on the final product. What causes that? Is it because its a trial version?

David Newman
September 25th, 2006, 09:14 AM

Sometime when you install a Sony it will install an older version of the VfW codec that is not licensed for encodes outside of Vegas. If you reinstall Connect HD the problem should go away.