View Full Version : Girls 21st Birthday video highlight clip.. comments/thoughts?
Albert Baier September 20th, 2006, 11:43 PM This is just a specific clip off my earlier post to my site. I'm kinda happy how this came out and I'll like to hear others thoughts and suggestions...
Much thanks!
Tom Hardwick September 21st, 2006, 12:27 AM I liked it Albert. A great way to legally use loads of wizzy transitions and effects, but such a film still needs imagination and editing skill, which it's got.
Peter Jefferson September 21st, 2006, 10:23 AM not bad mate.. get more varied shots with other people...
Parties are always fun and u can get some crazyiness happening, but be REALLY careful with some of the shots.. some poeple might take it the wrong way.
also, ease up on the transitions.. too many take their wow factor away... in this case it worked, but its something to keep an eye on as well... lol
Boyd Ostroff September 21st, 2006, 07:42 PM Now would be a good time for everyone to refresh their memory regarding DVinfo policy, so we don't have to remove any more posts from this thread....
Peter Jefferson September 21st, 2006, 08:26 PM just curious, what was wrong with the posts??
Albert Baier September 21st, 2006, 11:34 PM ok ok... I'll have to stop posting 21 year old females partying if we can't behave! :)
Now what were my points in that missing post again... DOH!
ummm..Well thanks Tom & Pete for the input!
I'm an active shooter thats all over the place when it comes to getting creative shots. Up on stages, down near floor.. Its cool as it later gives me a variety of shots to work with and not all are from shoulder level. As far as some folks taking it the wrong way - if they don't appreciate the way I work.. they usually move out of the way as I'm hovering around them and avoid getting caught on camera.
Tom Hardwick September 22nd, 2006, 01:11 AM Peter - read you post as reproduced above and compare the wording with the original. Boyd is simply pointing out the rules, that's all.
Albert - you keeping shooting from all those angles. It's great to see video that isn't all shot from 5'- 8" off the ground like 99% out there is.
Peter Jefferson September 22nd, 2006, 07:23 AM oh i know the rules... i dont need people to tell me
im what is called honest and to the point..
theres nothing wrong with editing my post, as i dont take things personally, however i woul dhtink by now that people know my character enough to know what im about.
if thats too much for this forum.. maybe i'll go hang out somewhere else... Its no skin off my nose
Chris Hurd September 22nd, 2006, 08:03 AM All I'm asking is to please keep the profanity and vulgarity off of my boards. Thanks,
Albert Baier September 22nd, 2006, 08:26 AM Hey Chris,
Just wondering why my reply was also wiped out yesterday? I dont recall getting 'verbally creative' in it..
In any case - lets move on people and concentrate on criticism of the clips, advice, tips, yadda yadda yadda....