View Full Version : Some footage and feedback from a few days use

Joe Russ
September 20th, 2006, 10:32 PM
so, here is some test footage (edited, but not recompressed, raw m2t), i got this camera because i can carry it around with me everywhere and the image is really nice for its its been in my messenger bag with me all week and ive shot a like to shoot more but time is always short.

anyway, forgive the shakiness and the underexposure some of the time (better than blown out though). none of these images should have gain (I made sure).

so the night shots are at 1/30th...not my ideal but id rather use 1/30 and f1.8 then any can see its a really nice picture all things considered, and i love the macro action...and OIS works really well (i have terribly shaky hands)

all this is with the P mode (closest to full manual as i could get) and i tried to have nothing overexposed if possible.

i also had the sharpness, contrast, COLOR, etc turned down....since i didnt know how overdone it would be (consumer cams are usually way overdone)...anyway, its safe to say the image is pretty well balanced at default settings...and the more I use the camera the better the image I should be able to get with it.

you can also see some autofocus the focus if yer not moving and its focused on what you want (it hunts more in darker stuff too...obviously)...and this is with OUT instant AF (too snappy for my taste).
351 MB

Wes Vasher
September 21st, 2006, 06:49 AM
Joe, many thanks for the footage. You grabbed some great shots.

The skin tone looks natural. The city view with clouds overhead is beautiful. There is detail in the buildings and the sky has so much detail. Macro shots look excellent. The street shots at night look amazing, with no lights! Blown out the street lights but other than that it looks great, low noise, lots of detail. The sound also sounded okay.

Again, I am picking my jaw off the floor.

Magnus Andersen
September 21st, 2006, 07:07 PM
Thanks a lot Joe!

Really great stuff you got here, the night shots are looking very good.

Can't wait for some more!

Best, M.

Billy Fatay
September 21st, 2006, 07:45 PM

Thanks so much for posting this clip. It looks like there is a hiccup at around 1:06 (the little figurine). Do you have any idea why? I think I can hear a button or switch being pressed. Were you taking a still at the same time?

Lee Wilson
September 21st, 2006, 08:27 PM
Good stuff and a good range of subject to evaluate.

Stunning stuff again from the Canon.

Thanks Joe, I can't wait to get my HV10 - 3 weeks to go in the UK :(

Thorsten Poeppel
October 3rd, 2006, 10:50 PM
When I download/open that file I just get a text file. Do I have to convert it to something first?

Mac OSX (G5), latest version

Lee Wilson
October 4th, 2006, 04:12 AM
When I download/open that file I just get a text file. Do I have to convert it to something first?

Mac OSX (G5), latest version

Delete the last part of the file name so it ends in .mt2 - or simply rename the whole file as somethingorother.mt2

Then download MPEG Streamclip (free) from here:

>> <<

(Click on the blue arrow in the upper right hand side of the page to start the download).

Then all you have to do it drag and drop the .mt2 file onto MPEG Streamclip - once the file is open don't forget to hit Command (apple) 0 (zero) to show the file full screen - space bar works as play/stop just like the quicktime player.

Thorsten Poeppel
October 4th, 2006, 08:59 AM
Delete the last part of the file name so it ends in .mt2 - or simply rename the whole file as somethingorother.mt2

Then download MPEG Streamclip (free) from here:

>> <<

(Click on the blue arrow in the upper right hand side of the page to start the download).

Then all you have to do it drag and drop the .mt2 file onto MPEG Streamclip - once the file is open don't forget to hit Command (apple) 0 (zero) to show the file full screen - space bar works as play/stop just like the quicktime player.


I installed Streamclip, but it's lacking the "mpeg2 playing component", which it suggest I should buy.

Are there any cost-free alternatives?

Philip Williams
October 4th, 2006, 09:40 PM

I installed Streamclip, but it's lacking the "mpeg2 playing component", which it suggest I should buy.

Are there any cost-free alternatives?

Zack Birlew
October 5th, 2006, 11:22 AM
You know, I just saw the HV10 and played around with it yesterday. Man, what a camera!

It would be perfect for just about anyone starting out, the auto focus really was as quick as the reviews say and the OIS was fantastic!

One thing I'd like to see is one of these with a 35mm adapter on it!

Philip Williams
October 5th, 2006, 11:28 AM
You know, I just saw the HV10 and played around with it yesterday. Man, what a camera!<snip>

I watched that demo video, and it does look incredibly sharp - sharper and more pleasing to my eyes than a lot of footage I've seen from far costlier cams. If Canon had put a 30P mode in this and added a jack input.. man it'd be the successor to the original Elura/Opturas from the glory days. Just nitpicking now, its a fantastic cam, and I'm sure Canon has some cool stuff coming down the line.

Stefan Hartmann
October 14th, 2006, 05:21 PM
es, this footage is amazingly clear.
Much better than any HDV footage I have seen so far.

Also the night shots at the amusement park are amazingly well
in video quality, not much noise in the dark areas.
Well done Canon !

Luc Meisel
October 26th, 2006, 09:15 AM
I thought that the ergonomics were extremely poor