View Full Version : Newbie needs feedback..sample clips

Kyle Defy
September 20th, 2006, 04:13 PM
Thanks for all of the feedback.

Monday Isa
September 20th, 2006, 08:34 PM
Hey Kyle,
Didn't watch all of your clip, I bailed after the first minute and a half. The fast foward motion to normal motion is a good concept I love using but only when the footage is useable will I do that. The fast foward footage was just way to shaky. Also your fonts needed some shadow to come off the screen. Besides that, the rest of what I saw was alright.


Kyle Defy
September 20th, 2006, 09:27 PM
Hey Kyle,
Didn't watch all of your clip, I bailed after the first minute and a half. The fast foward motion to normal motion is a good concept I love using but only when the footage is useable will I do that. The fast foward footage was just way to shaky. Also your fonts needed some shadow to come off the screen. Besides that, the rest of what I saw was alright.


Thanks Monday. The action is actually real time, with no fast forward to stop action. That is how those models fly. The DVD will be geared toward these extreme pilots only. We need to work on the shaky hands, these models are so unpredictable when in flight.
Thanks for the font info.


Monday Isa
September 20th, 2006, 10:20 PM
No problem, the fast foward motion I was talking about was when each person is standing behind their plane. Your initial footage was ok, but it was the clip of each individual person that just wasn't working. Congrats on having it done, and releasing it. Good luck


Kyle Defy
September 20th, 2006, 10:39 PM
No problem, the fast foward motion I was talking about was when each person is standing behind their plane. Your initial footage was ok, but it was the clip of each individual person that just wasn't working. Congrats on having it done, and releasing it. Good luck


Oh yeah, I forgot about those, lol. Thanks again.

Ken Diewert
September 20th, 2006, 11:06 PM

That's pretty cool. It's kind of a niche market but there's probably enough hard cores out there to support the DVD.

I can see how the planes would work better than the heli's, just because they're bigger (easier to see), and less nimble so easier to follow. It's pretty hard to zoom on the heli's when they're going to be jumping out of the frame all the time.

Good luck.