Jon Omiatek
September 18th, 2006, 02:29 PM
Check out this clip and see what you think. We cover with 2 cameras, one wide and me running around trying to get closups of the entire field.
Shot with pd170's. Both links are from the same 15sec's but at different bit rates. <-9mb <29mb
Eric Hansen
September 18th, 2006, 02:39 PM
That is obviously not a catch...
Jon Omiatek
September 18th, 2006, 02:45 PM
True, but could you tell at full speed? I thought it was a catch until you drop it down to half speed.
Jeff Hendricks
September 18th, 2006, 09:56 PM
After reviewing the play...there is no conclusive evidence that the ball was not the ruling on the field stands...your team is charged with it's first time out.
Eric Hansen
September 19th, 2006, 09:53 AM
yall got a point, but show the other angle in real time and I think it'd be conclusive enough....
Tom McDougal
September 19th, 2006, 12:48 PM
No real time though (plus line judges angle of view) its hard to see that so i see why they called it complete....
Had this been NFL reply system, it would be called back....
2 pictures from both angles that show ball is not in the hands of receiver....
however receiver did the correct thing to act like he caught it.....
Jon Omiatek
September 19th, 2006, 01:04 PM
My only point was that you can't really tell in realtime. Frame by frame, it's definately not a catch.
Tom McDougal
September 19th, 2006, 01:56 PM
My only point was that you can't really tell in realtime. Frame by frame, it's definately not a catch.
i know you know...i just broke it down....
btw, thats great shooting and great angle you have of that play from running down the side line.... nice work :)
Jeff Hendricks
September 20th, 2006, 08:46 PM
I still say it's a catch...of course, that guy is on my fantasy football team, so...