View Full Version : Sweet Sixteen

Dante Waters
September 12th, 2006, 10:54 PM
Well this weekend I'll be doing a sweet sixteen...
Client seems very anxious about doing it, as well as working with me.

I'd like to take the opportunity to make sure this project surpasses all
my previous work, kinda want to leave a lasting impression.

Camera angles, closeups, composition... Are things I'm already considering.
Music however is a bit of a problem (don't know where to start).
I consider it strongly because it helps me pace my cuts.

Anyway I've been chosen as the photographer as well (my friend will be helping with that). So I'll be including stills which I think adds a lot to Cinematography work.

Only thing I could think of was this bday party I did (will add a link in a bit)

Budget isn't that great, but there's room for some small items.

Any suggestions?? What I've picked up for this event was just a few boxes of blanks tapes, a 2gig card for my stills, and printable dvds.

Joe Allen Rosenberger
September 13th, 2006, 01:22 AM
Dante...well, she is "16", so if you go to MTV...that should give you an idea on music.

If I were shooting and editing something like would NOT!!!!, look like a wedding video, none of that slowwwww mooooo longggg pannniinnggggg shots seen in many wedding vids. keep it fun.

She's a teenager....and most teenagers like MTV....again, a good place to research for style. should ask the mom what music she likes....and what the girl is like in general. I am sure that will help you develope a style for her shoot.

If the mom only wants the video for "her" for the mother hiring you, she may not want a video that looks like it was produced for a younger teenage audience so to speak.

Monday Isa
September 13th, 2006, 06:08 AM
Hey Dante,
Joe has very good points he's suggested. Is this birthday for a hispanic girl or an american/african american? I only ask cause if it's for a hispanic girl turning sixteen than plan on having some traditional aspects to the video. If it's not run free with it, and definitely keep in mind the audience (teenagers). One other suggestion when your taking stills do some formal shots of the birthday girl also atleast 1 shot with her and her family and 1 shot with her and just her parents. Maybe a good 7 but shoot them raw so you can have room if you make an error with underexposure/over-exposure/WB so forth. Interms of what you'll need with your budget, every thing you've listed is pretty much what you need. Have fun and I'd like to see a clip if you can when you're done with it. It should be fun.


Jose Fernandez
September 13th, 2006, 07:30 AM
Hi Dante

One of the things that I always do is finding out the expectations of the client. It makes no difference if you believe you did an excellent job if the client was expecting something else. Talk to the girl and find out if she has seen any other videos of sweet 16s and ask what she liked and didn't like about it. This really helps. I also try to get a list of songs from the client. This makes my job so much easier as it takes away the guessing game.

Best of luck on your job!

Richard Wakefield
September 13th, 2006, 07:52 AM
hi there

i agree with Jose:
asking for her favourite songs should instantly give you an indication what direction to head in (as with alot of weddings couples),
Assuming the film isn't just for her mum or something, i'd be 90% certain she'll love MTV-fast paced/cool, contemporary camera angles, and a faster-than-normal slideshow. she'd be more inlined to show it off to her friends, than maybe a slower/soppier version...

Dante Waters
September 14th, 2006, 05:01 AM
Thank you gentlemen I am preparing for the weekend.
Will be asking the client tomorrow regrading what her or her daughter needs are.

I have uploaded a few clips to give you all an idea as to what my style and skills are like.

Grandma's bday (not my grandma):

WMV format:

Quicktime format:

Documentary for local church:

Quicktime format High Bandwidth 75MB: