Al Ioimo
September 12th, 2006, 09:52 PM
I am a wedding videographer. I own a Sennhesiser EK 100 G2 and a SK100 G2 wireless mic. It hasn’t happened yet but my fear is getting to a venue and finding out (under pressure) that I have interference with the house or DJ’s cordless systems. What steps should I take at each venue to rest my mind assured that I will not have any other interference. Please be as specific as you can with the answer.
Thank You
Al Ioimo
Guy Cochran
September 13th, 2006, 12:37 PM
Practice using the gear before getting into an under pressure gig.
There's nothing worse than being under the gun and fidgeting around trying to figure out something while the action is going down. At the very least you'll want to learn how to switch Banks and how to perform an AutoScan.
This question kept popping up so I asked if our Sennheiser rep could come in and give us the scoop (we're a Sennheiser dealer). We then translated their standard issue techy geek training into something everyone can understand.
The video is available online and it's called "Sennheiser Wireless G2 Tutorial". You can find it in Flash Format at
In QuickTime at
Or in iTunes at
Seth Bloombaum
September 13th, 2006, 08:45 PM
In addition to Guy's excellent advice & Senn. 100G2 tutorial:
Always monitor what you're recording - you need to have the headphones on to know what you've got. Even without someone else's wireless nearby, interference or an equipment problem can crop up any time
Christian Mallari
September 14th, 2006, 08:56 AM
no worry's about interferring the frequency as long you set the BANK channel(receiver). for instance go to the BANK and you can see there are few no. of channel and if choose the one channel you can see again it has 4 different frequency choose one and then set the same in transmiter.
here is the link
Al Ioimo
September 16th, 2006, 05:34 AM
Thanks so much for the great advice. This Form never fails me.