View Full Version : Moving settings from v6 to v7

Ben Freedman
September 12th, 2006, 04:59 PM

I have hundreds of custom project settings, pan and trim settings, render settings, etc...

When I upgrade to V7, how do I move these across?



Edward Troxel
September 12th, 2006, 08:29 PM
Generally speaking, you have to do it manually. The method you use to do it manually is up to you.

Ben Freedman
September 12th, 2006, 08:49 PM
Boy, that sucks. Every other program carries its settings over when you upgrade (outlook, for example)...

Makes it very hard to upgrade if there's no way to do this automatically. Shouldn't be very hard for Sony to do, since they know where everything is located...


Jarrod Whaley
September 13th, 2006, 02:08 AM
It does suck. Since my settings are almost always project-specific, this usually isn't an issue for me personally. But still, being able to migrate one's settings is really quite a no-brainer, especially in such an otherwise extremely customizable piece of software.

Mark Duckworth
September 13th, 2006, 07:11 AM
So how exactly do you move your settings over to the new version?

Edward Troxel
September 13th, 2006, 07:35 AM
So how exactly do you move your settings over to the new version?

First, go to File - Preferences, make the changes as you desire and check the "start all projects with these settings" box.

Now go to Options - Preferences and make the changes YOU want there.

If you've created effects presets, one way is to create a project adding those presets to events, load the project in the new version, and then resave the presets there.

Then you also need to make any changes you've made to your keyboard settings, get any scripts moved over, setup the toolbar again, etc...

I agree the entire process is a pain. However, it DOES let you see the new options that are available!

Ben Freedman
September 13th, 2006, 09:43 AM
Just got a response from Sony...

There is no such thing as an 'upgrade'. You're installing new software. No way to move settings from one version to another...

Does this strike anyone else as particularly obtuse? Doesn't sound like a hard feature to impliment, since they know where everything is stored...


Jarrod Whaley
September 13th, 2006, 09:53 AM
Just got a response from Sony...

There is no such thing as an 'upgrade'. You're installing new software. No way to move settings from one version to another...

Does this strike anyone else as particularly obtuse? Doesn't sound like a hard feature to impliment, since they know where everything is stored...Yeah, that sounds like a really lame excuse to me. A lot of other software packages allow you to take your settings with you. I doubt very seriously that the code for every new version of Vegas is rewritten from the ground up. Even if that were the case, the way the software handles settings can't be changing so much as to make this "impossible." Sony should at least be honest and admit that they either haven't thought of this yet, or else they simply haven't put any emphasis on it. It's not the biggest problem in the world by a long shot, but again, it's a total no-brainer.

Anyway, thanks for letting us know what came of your inquiry, Ben.

Ian Stark
September 13th, 2006, 02:57 PM
From Sony's announcement email about v7:

"Announcing new Sony Vegas+DVD software, featuring Vegas 7, DVD Architect 4 and Dolby Digital AC-3 encoding software. Newly upgraded with an expanded feature set, it's the most powerful and comprehensive video, audio, and DVD production suite available."

There's a word in that text that makes Sony's "no such thing as an upgrade" comment even lamer than it first appears!

No prizes for spotting the word!

On the subject of carrying settings across from version to version, I'm surprised a third party hasn't knocked a utility together to help with this. x,000's of Vegas users x $5 a throw must tempt someone, somewhere.

Edward Troxel
September 13th, 2006, 03:05 PM
Bottom line... when you install Vegas 7 it installs BESIDE Vegas 6. Vegas 6 is still fully functional. If was, indeed, and UPGRADE, it would OVERWRITE Vegas 6 (and would probably maintain settings as well). I know for a fact that the locations were settings are stored changed between Vegas 6 and Vegas 7 because I had to change my Excalibur installation program to look in a new place (other than just changing the 6 to a 7 which is what I tried first).

Having said all that, I agree it would be nice if there was at least an option to "load settings from previous version". However, you must admit that by having to go into the preferences with each new version you can at least find out what settings are new!

Dan Keaton
September 13th, 2006, 03:42 PM
There is a real advantage in being able to have Vegas 6.0 installed on your computer along with Vegas 7.0.

For example, you may be in the middle on an important project and not feel comfortable with installing a new editor. Since installing Vegas 7.0 does not interfere with Vegas 6.0, or 5.0, or 4.0, etc., you can install the new version and test it at your convenience without disturbing your existing editor.

Yes, I would like it to bring in the previous settings, but as Edward stated, one should learn the new settings as soon as practical.

One word of caution: When going from an older version to Vegas 6.0, once a project was opened in Vegas 6.0, you needed to continue editing with 6.0.

So, it would be a good idea to save (backup) your ".veg" (Vegas Project Files), if you wanted to be able to go back to an older editor. I assume that the same may apply to Vegas 7.0.

Edward Troxel
September 13th, 2006, 08:54 PM
One word of caution: When going from an older version to Vegas 6.0, once a project was opened in Vegas 6.0, you needed to continue editing with 6.0.

So, it would be a good idea to save (backup) your ".veg" (Vegas Project Files), if you wanted to be able to go back to an older editor. I assume that the same may apply to Vegas 7.0.

Yes, the same does apply. A project saved in Vegas 7 will not open in Vegas 6 so if you open a Vegas 6 file, be sure to do a File - Save As!