Barry Green
September 12th, 2006, 10:54 AM
Mikko Wilson at NAB snared some G1 footage and stills.
View Full Version : G1 footage online Barry Green September 12th, 2006, 10:54 AM Mikko Wilson at NAB snared some G1 footage and stills. Dean Digamon September 12th, 2006, 11:26 AM when a sample like that is thrown up and out there.. what exact should i be keying in on .. or is that not even enough? deaN Chris Hurd September 12th, 2006, 11:44 AM Well Dean, I think the most important thing to realize in this particular case is that the camera really wasn't properly set up. There's no way of knowing how many people had changed how many settings such as White Balance, etc. If the camera had simply been set to the "Green Box" easy recording mode, it would have defaulted to an optimized all-auto, no-humans-involved configuration, which would have been ideal... but that didn't happen. Its primary value is the exclusive nature of the material... it's an excellent traffic draw for DVX User. Meryem Ersoz September 12th, 2006, 11:54 AM it's better not to have stuff that is this off-the-cuff posted at all...the guts of the G1 and the H1 are so similar, how is it even possible to have footage of the same object that is this unmatched except for a massive user error? my conspiracy brain jumps to, "how much is panasonic/sony/jvc paying him to post this??" Chris Hurd September 12th, 2006, 12:09 PM I know how you feel Meryem but I'm certain there's no conspiracy here. While I had my hands on these exact same cameras, that is, the very same one referenced in this discussion, I chose not to bother recording anything for a couple of reasons. First, we've always had rather bad luck around here with material coming from pre-production units found at trade shows for one reason or another. Second, different companies have different policies regarding whether or not they'll let you record on a pre-production model, and Canon's position is usually "no" on this so I didn't even bother to ask. Finally, the two times I went by that booth there was a pretty good crowd around waiting to check it out and I already felt like I was monopolizing the camera a bit with so many folks waiting behind me. Juan Diaz September 12th, 2006, 03:04 PM Definitely no conspiracy. Mikko has been working his a** off trying to get photos and footage from all over IBC. He got some video and stills of the Red presentation, and he's also posted HDV footage from the new Sony cameras as well. Unfortunately the shooting conditions for the XH G1 were just far from ideal. He did get some HDV footage that he plans to post soon, and I can't wait to see it, but again, I'll take the footage with a grain of salt because of the shooting conditions. My question for Chris: So you're also at IBC? You played with the exact same camera? Assuming there was HD video being piped to a large external monitor, what were your first impressions? Was it pretty much what you would expect, i.e. similar to an XL H1? I know first impressions are less than scientific, but I figure you have a good eye based on lots of experience looking at footage. I so can't wait to see footage from this camera! I have my fingers crossed that Kaku will get ahold of one of these soon. The first XL H1 footage I ever saw was from Kaku, and it blew me away. Juan Cody Lucido September 12th, 2006, 03:32 PM I am getting ready to buy this camera and must say I am a bit frightened by that extremely poor video linked above. Does anybody else have examples that don't make my eyes wretch? ;) Chris Hurd September 12th, 2006, 03:57 PM Well I *was* at IBC, just got home late yesterday and I'm pretty beat. Will post some stuff later tonight or tomorrow... it's not like you can rush out and buy the camera today anyway. Like you, I'm really looking forward to Kaku Ito's impressions. He's been our main guy on the crest of the wave here at DV Info Net and I'm reserving judgement until he's had some "quality time" with a Canon XH camcorder. Sorry but I have no sympathy for anyone who puts much stock in video taken at a tradeshow... we've been down that road before, several times, and the results have never been good. If you let it frighten you, then... sorry to say this but... you kinda deserve it. "Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered... nothing was there." Kaku Ito September 12th, 2006, 06:16 PM Thank you very much for vote of confidence. My source is working hard to let me try one, but he did mentioned and I mentioned it here before, despite how Japanese staff from Canon thoght it was good and meaningful to let me post the clips, but Canon U.S. people told Canon Japan it wasn't a good idea. It was so that my source was complained by Canon Japan. Maybe they are upset that I did not buy XLH1 because of its size, but I did mention if they come out one with more compact chasis with the similar quality then I would. I'm pretty sure you hear about x3 CMOS Sony FX7, so the competition is tough in that category, but I would pick someting similar (XLH1) already proved than the new technology which would not be really tuned in. Now I'm equipped with rigs for HVX200 size (without HVX200! I sold it to get ready for G1 or A1) including Manfrotto 520 video head, Glidecam V8 (now properly custom aligned with modification) and so on. Remember how beatiful that panorama video in Makuhari. I just visited there two weeks in a raw for mountainbike riding (i shot some stuff with HVR-A1J and experimenting the H.264 progressive transcoding). Also, since FCP will have an update to support 24f of Canon format, I would be more ready to provide clips. And I'm in the position to write about Matrox MXO and wouldn't it nice to have G1/A1 in my article, too? Usually, in advertising aspect, any extra coverage on magazine articles for free is supposed to be good for the company/product. So, Chris, your words to Canon U.S. would probably help. Also, my current personal web experimentation is here ( separately from Juan Diaz September 12th, 2006, 06:31 PM Funny that Canon US was upset about your footage. I wonder how many people bought XL H1s because of it. Cody Lucido September 13th, 2006, 08:29 AM Sorry but I have no sympathy for anyone who puts much stock in video taken at a tradeshow... we've been down that road before, several times, and the results have never been good. If you let it frighten you, then... sorry to say this but... you kinda deserve it. "Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered... nothing was there." Geez, I was just being 'tongue-in-cheek'. But that footage really does suck. It often amazes the crappy level of quality people post. I have pre-ordered mine already. Mikko Wilson September 13th, 2006, 08:54 AM Hi all. I have just got home from IBC and finally have a moment to sit down and respond. That footage does suck. Beacuse I did a piss poor job shooting it in piss poor conditions. Tradeshow conditions SUCK for shooting anything. It's some video from the camera, nothing more. Personally I was impressed at the images that I was seeing in the canon booth, including footage running in FCP shot by the G1 that looked fantastic. I do have some better HDV stuff going up now that I'll link from 'user. But again, it's just a picture, far from scientific. Chris, I wasn't aware that you where at IBC. Shame I missed you. Psst, Barry! IBC, not NAB. - Mikko Philip Williams September 13th, 2006, 04:57 PM Mikko, thanks a lot for the uploads. I just reviewed the large file and I don't see any problems with the footage. I mean, yeah its got issues, but within the context of a guy sneaking a tape into a pre-shipping, non-adjusted camcorder at a not-well-lit trade show; its about as good as I'd hope for. Is it just me, or were the chromatic aberations kept to a minimum? They were there, but generally closer to the sides and usually not excessive (at least no worse than the current Z1/HVX/HD100 offerings). In the scene where the other canon is near the middle of the frame there are some bright highlights and I didn't really see any fringing around them. If this is with the wide angle adapter, I'm doubly impressed. I'm looking forward to watching this on my 1920 monitor at home to take a closer look. Anyway, thanks again for the effort Mikko. <edit> Ok, I'm zoomed in closer now and see some purples near the hot spots. Still, not too bad in this price range and with a wide angle.. </edit> Kaku Ito September 14th, 2006, 11:33 AM Looks like I will have the cam for few hours beginning of Oct.. Philip Williams September 14th, 2006, 11:35 AM Looks like I will have the cam for few hours beginning of Oct.. Go Kaku! Looking forward to your footage. Juan Diaz September 14th, 2006, 12:07 PM Looks like I will have the cam for few hours beginning of Oct.. Oh yeah! Can't wait! Barlow Elton September 14th, 2006, 07:15 PM *feeling of deja vu* ;-) Kaku Ito September 15th, 2006, 11:22 AM I will have some clips by the 2nd week of Oct.. Chris Hurd September 15th, 2006, 12:34 PM I've got some server space already carved out and waiting for you, Kaku! Thanks, Kaku Ito September 16th, 2006, 09:47 PM I will try to reproduce the similar scenes as XL-H1 as much as possible. Bob Zimmerman September 17th, 2006, 01:10 PM why do all these people have the Sony V1 and we should see something "soon", but nothing much but that little 5 sec of the Canon A1 from IBC? It made wonder too how a few places like B&H started taking pre orders for the Canon now that the Sony is coming out. Get those credit card numbers while you can! Does anyone else find it odd that Canon announced this camera back in July and we have really nothing on it? Maybe that's the way they do business. Maybe the Spot's, the Heath's and the Chris's can't say anything. Pete Bauer September 17th, 2006, 01:21 PM Naw, I don't see any secrecy conspiracies here. Canon announces their new stuff not more than a few months before it actually ships, and the XH cameras seem to be following that formula. They have generally stuck close to their originally announced release dates, and you haven't seen footage from the cameras until the cameras were just about to be released. Late July to (?) mid-October isn't that much time in terms of announcing and shipping a product and about usual for Canon. Presumably, that's because they don't announce or hand out engineering samples until they're pretty darn sure they've got it all worked out and won't run into last minute tech troubles. In fact, I was quite surprised they announced the 6x lens -- sans some specifics -- way back at NAB (April) for a November release. Each manufacturer has its own style; some others have announced cameras well over a year before the actual release came around, and then slipped the dates, changed their stories, etc etc. That just has to do with marketing style. I don't think NDAs have anything to do with the lack of XH footage...Canon's just not ready for that step yet, I believe. Bob Zimmerman September 17th, 2006, 01:28 PM Thanks Pete. Hopefully we can see some reviews from both "soon" Kaku Ito September 20th, 2006, 12:24 PM I thought I was gonna get my hands on A1, but it looks like I will have G1 instead for few days. And my source showed canon about this thread and I was able to have the opportunity. Thanks all. Barlow Elton September 20th, 2006, 01:17 PM And my source showed canon about this thread and I was able to have the opportunity. That's a good sign. :) Donald White September 27th, 2006, 07:46 AM I'm surprised there is no new footage of the A1. We're a couple of weeks away from the shipping date and the only footage I've seen was not real encouraging. The video from the new Sony's looks great... come on Canon, we're rooting for you. |