View Full Version : 'Progressive look' not there in HDV25p...

David Scattergood
September 12th, 2006, 05:03 AM
I'm currently filming in DV25p as I have no current workflow to play with HDV as yet (immiently to change I hope!). The 'filmic' juddery feel is right there and with careful pans and subject placings I get just the look I was after. However, in HDV25p when filming this look is not there until playback (same with 24p?) - therefore unless you've pretty much mastered the progressive filming art I'm guessing it's likely you would mess up a couple of takes?
Unless DV 25p is not really true progressive and this is a 'synthesised' look where as HDV25/24 is and the results are only noticed on I making sense?!?!?

Yours, almost getting there...

Werner Wesp
September 12th, 2006, 05:45 AM
No - the reason is that you can see 50p in the viewfinder that comes from the camera-head. Only 25 frames are recorded to tape. It is true progressive, but you can't see it at the viewfinder (which is indeed really too bad...)

David Scattergood
September 12th, 2006, 05:52 AM
Thanks Werner Wesp - Is that a problem native to this particular camera...although saying that there isn't such a huge market of HDV progressive camera's at the moment is there?
Obviously many of you have been using the 24/25p with no problems so is it a case of careful planning of shots?

Werner Wesp
September 12th, 2006, 08:05 AM
It is particular to this camcorder indeed. I have one and most of the time it doesn't constitute a problem - but sometimes it's irritating: e.g. you can't SEE if you're panning at the right speed...

David Scattergood
September 12th, 2006, 08:16 AM
Thanks for the confirmation Werner. I guess I'm best 'practicing' with the DV 25p until I'm comfortable with the results - then begin to use HDV 25p (true progressive).