Aaron Frick
January 22nd, 2002, 11:18 AM
Just a quick survery, what are you all editing your dv footage on and what are your favorite things about it and what don't you like about it.
I'm on media100i v.7.5
I'm on media100i v.7.5
View Full Version : What are you editing on? Aaron Frick January 22nd, 2002, 11:18 AM Just a quick survery, what are you all editing your dv footage on and what are your favorite things about it and what don't you like about it. I'm on media100i v.7.5 Matt Ockenfels January 22nd, 2002, 12:42 PM Hi Aaron, I edit on a Sony RX-580 bundled with Premiere; I use a Sony DV video walkman attached via firewire as a player/recorder for the system. The version of Premiere included is LE, which is servicable. The entire system (including the walkman) worked right out of the box. Plugged everythin in, and boom, full functionality in capturing, editing, and exporting DV. That I liked. The computer does not have composite video inputs or outputs, but the video walkman will do the transcoding. The only gripe I have is that the DV output must be turned off while editing; Premiere performance stinks when it is on. And, of course, I had to find this fix with experimentation as there is no mention of the problem on the Sony or Adobe web sites! BTB, the RX-580 has a DVD burner and software, too! Edward Troxel January 22nd, 2002, 01:51 PM I use Cinestream. It is very easy to use and very intuitive. I have not seen a program that operates as easily as Cinestream. Bill Ravens January 22nd, 2002, 03:40 PM I'm using a plethora of things, including Premier 6, Pinnacle Studio 7 and Ulead MediaStudio Pro 6.5. Studio 7 with Hollywood FX was my workhorse, but, I'm getting spoiled by the smooth and easy of MSP 6.5. The built in vectorscope and signal analyzer, plus, the DVD plug-in has made my work very uncomplicated. I won't touch the S7 MPEG option, finding that TMPGEnc gives me the best quality when I need mpeg1, 2 or DiVX output. VirtualDub also has some great internal filters for those special apps. Premier is my least used piece of software. I find it cumbersome, glitchy, and a PITRA to use. Mike Butler January 24th, 2002, 05:08 PM Mac G4 with Final Cut Pro here. Has lots of creative control for the money, and when I bought it I knew that FCP was an up-and-coming thing, which means there will be enough skilled users around if I should need to enlist a helping hand due to my growing workload...and if I am ever on the street in need of an assignment there'll be a ready market of clients. Mike Butler December 9th, 2005, 12:34 PM Fast forward (scrub) to 2005, now on a 1.6 GHz aluminum PowerBook, STILL using FCP. Last week I was using a client's G5 workstation w/FCP doing motion control all natively. If it ain't busted I don't try to fix it. George Ellis December 9th, 2005, 12:58 PM One of those $79 executive chairs with the arms... oh... ;) Homebuilt dual Xeon using Avid Liquid (typing while install version 7). I also use Animation:Master for titles, Sonic Fire Pro for the odd track, MediaChance DVD-Lab for authoring (similar to DVD Maestro interface), and Sony SoundForge 7 for cleanup. Robert Simon December 9th, 2005, 04:50 PM iMac G4 with Final Cut Express. A great way to get decent power and nice features in an inexpensive way (relatively speaking). Comes with good titling and musix creation software. Best of all, is the stepping stone to FCP. 17" monitor seemed fantastic at first, but now I could use more real estate. Mike Butler December 9th, 2005, 05:30 PM ....Comes with good titling... Not bad; Photoshop makes for better titling, though. :) Matt Brabender December 9th, 2005, 05:36 PM Avid Xpress Pro HD at work - I love how slick and professional it feels and the media management, at the same time, you can be locked into a way of working so some things take longer to perform than other NLE's. Sony Vegas 6c at home (and work sometimes) I love the freedom of workflow - you can work any which way you want and everything is easily and instantly adjustable, but sometimes that makes things a bit messy. Colour correction in this rocks! Rick Steele December 9th, 2005, 06:47 PM Just looking at my start menu... Premiere Pro 1.5, Adobe Audition, Blufftitler, Fantamorph, Scenalyzer and Ulead's DVD Workshop. Not the best arsenal of post production tools but I get by. I recently got Adobe AfterFx... haven't the patience nor the time to learn it just yet. Maybe next year. Pentium 4, 3.0 ghz Shane Ross December 9th, 2005, 07:25 PM Powermac G5 (dual 2ghz, 3.5GB RAM) and FCP Studio. Aurora PipePro Studio, (2) Dell 2405 LCD monitors, DSR-11, (2) G-Raid 500GB drives, Behringer 8 channel mixer, JVC 9" production monitor. Editing DV, uncompressed SD, and DVCPRO HD. On the many many jobs I get hired for, I am sitting in front of Avid Media Composers most the time. Robin Davies-Rollinson December 10th, 2005, 04:28 AM Avid Xpress DV, Adobe After Effects 6.5 pro, Adobe Premiere Elements v2.0 (very useful for titling and some effects...) BluffTitler, CoolEditPro. Must upgrade PC soon to take advantage of HDV camera! Robin K. Forman December 10th, 2005, 09:32 AM Using mostly Premiere 6.something on my PC, and also use the tools that came with my DV Storm card, like wave and vector. The Storm card also came with Boris and several other titles I never quite used enough to figure out. What can I say? I want to edit, but usually get work as second cam. Amy May December 11th, 2005, 07:53 AM Mac G4 (Quicksilver, 933 Mhz, 1 GB Ram), Final Cut Pro 4, DVD Studio Pro 2, Live Type, Compressor & Soundtrack. FCP is easy to use and integrates well with the other programs (i.e. Live Type) only gripe is how it handles clip speed changes, not enough flexibility. Also using a G4 iBook to compress projects when the tower is busy with editing. Will add a G5 Quad when it makes sense to edit HD (need to be able to deliver HD discs that clients can play). Dylan Couper December 11th, 2005, 09:37 AM Y'all are total wusses, I cut my DV tape with a razor and assemble it with duct tape. It's hard to know where to cut so I use a magnifying glass to look real close at it so I can see what frame I'm at. Sometimes I use Vegas 5 on the PC though. IMHO it is faster than anything else out there, short of the razor/duct tape. Sheila Ward December 11th, 2005, 01:13 PM Dell XPS Gen5, P4 Dual Core Extreme Edition. Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, After Effects, Audition, Encore, ProCoder 2.0. Bill Ball December 11th, 2005, 06:05 PM P4 3 gig with Premiere 1.5 suite. Do get some crashes though. Max Liptack December 12th, 2005, 12:29 AM P4 2.8 Ghz 1 gig of ram. Premiere Pro 1.5 After Effects 6.5 Photoshop CS A variety of audio programs Audition DV Rack (in trial still, but I really like it) All of this will do what I want it to do, I have access to it at school, but I need to buy it for myself soon. Of course that is, if I have the money to spend on it and/or if I want to continue in the field. Tim Borek December 12th, 2005, 09:49 AM * Ulead MediaStudio Pro 7 with Service Patch 3 (Good realtime performance, but too buggy for my taste. I'm considering a switch to Avid Liquid 7 Pro. Extremely poor color correction. Titler is sparse compare to the competition, and very slow when creating more than one screen of titles.) * I author DVDs in DVD MovieFactory 2 SE. (Performance is good, but there's a bug: I must close out of the chapter editing screen every two chapters to prevent the whole app from freezing. Navigating among the various screens is cumbersome at times due to the strict linear workflow imposed. Good for beginners, but very limiting for enthusiasts. Pros should look elsewhere.) I run this on a DIY Pentium 4 2.8c (rarely overclocked to 3 GHz -- improves MPEG rendering a little), 1GB DDR400 memory in dual-channel mode, eVGA Nvidia FX5200 dual-head video w/128MB, dual 120GB SATA hard drives, on-board AC'97 5.1 channel audio, and LiteOn 4x DVD burner. Theo Mason December 12th, 2005, 04:13 PM I use Premiere Pro (7) and an Matrox Rtx.100. System is very stable, I have not added XP Service Pack 2 because of problems others have encountered. P4 2.8 (custom dedicated editing computer) 1 Gig Ram WinXP Pro 40 Gig Sys Drive 150 Gig Export Drive 4x80 Gig Raid for Storage BenQ DL DVD Writer 21" Monitor 20" NTSC for Real Time Video Preview Matt Brabender December 12th, 2005, 05:28 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Y'all are total wusses, I cut my DV tape with a razor and assemble it with duct tape. It's hard to know where to cut so I use a magnifying glass to look real close at it so I can see what frame I'm at." ------------------------------------------------------------------- hahah - very funny :) reminds me of my days at audio engineering college and doing a whole bunch of tape splicing Jim Gunn December 13th, 2005, 12:15 AM Dell XPS Gen5, P4 Dual Core Extreme Edition. Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, After Effects, Audition, Encore, ProCoder 2.0. That's my dream system for my next upgrade, Sheila, although I still get by with a two year old P4 2.6 Ghz Dell Dimension 8300. I have nearly all the same software suite, except I encode with Cleaner XL. Can i ask your impression of fow fast is it, by comparison to older PCs like hyperthreaded P4s for app reasponse times and rendering and encoding? Rob DuBroc December 13th, 2005, 03:30 PM Dual 2.5ghz G5 with 2 gigs of RAM, 23" HD Cinema Display, and of course final cut pro... Haven't upgraded to 5 yet. |