Matthias Miethe
September 11th, 2006, 06:32 AM
I got one question:
Does the letus work with the panasonic mx300 (has 43mm for filters)
Does the letus work with the trv900
Which one would you advise.
Thanks a lot
Yasser Kassana
September 12th, 2006, 01:58 PM
In theory why not? All you would need is a step-down ring from 58mm to 43mm?
Bob Hart
September 13th, 2006, 02:46 AM
Message for Quyen.
Your adapterplace web page appears to have gone down so I'll ask question here.
Do you supply for the Letus35 Flip for XL as a separate complete assembled item, - the front internal section which includes - the plastic face for lens mount to fit into, the moving GG assembly with GG, which is built into the front face, including motor and wired battery pack.
If you do, can you advise a price plus pack and post to Australia please.
I am assisting a local operator to harden up a Letus35 flip for XL for serious production work and am examining whether I should recommend a second motor/GG/battery pack unit to quickly swap in to avoid downtime from accidents or breakdowns out on the job.