Peter Jefferson
September 10th, 2006, 08:36 AM
ok, heres a doozy...
am i the only one who puts easter eggs in their videos? Not deliberatly.. but...
By Easter Eggs i refer to secret consistant elements which are in plain site but are hidden to the viewer...
i have a couple.. and i'll spill the beans on the one i DIDNT deliberatly do...
The first is my car.. in EVERY video i have shot, my car has made an apprearance one way or another... whether it be in the background as the limos roll or shooting from a moving car... my car is in every video.. now this one WASNT deliberate, but its consistant...
anyone else have something in al their videos that they didnt even know about?
am i the only one who puts easter eggs in their videos? Not deliberatly.. but...
By Easter Eggs i refer to secret consistant elements which are in plain site but are hidden to the viewer...
i have a couple.. and i'll spill the beans on the one i DIDNT deliberatly do...
The first is my car.. in EVERY video i have shot, my car has made an apprearance one way or another... whether it be in the background as the limos roll or shooting from a moving car... my car is in every video.. now this one WASNT deliberate, but its consistant...
anyone else have something in al their videos that they didnt even know about?