View Full Version : Love Story of an indian couple!

Ram Purad
September 10th, 2006, 06:51 AM
Hey folks,

This is Love Story presentation I did for an indian couple few weeks back. This was shown on screen at their reception right before they made their entrance. Let me know your feedback. Thanks.

Ram Purad

Peter Jefferson
September 10th, 2006, 09:03 AM
was teh ceremony like 4 hours for teh groom, 45min for the bride, another 45 minutes for the couple.. then the other ceremony at the home... ??
I trully hope you charged accordingly..

I did afew Indian weddings, but i inevitably found that the clientelle demanded too much with regard to coverage and editing.. put it this way...
the weddings usually ate up about 25hours worth of tape for a full 2 cam shoot all day.. the ceremonies alone hit the 12 hour mark nd that was before we even got to the photoshoot..

Dont get me wrong, each culture has its differences and i respect that, however i found that many of the clientelle here in Aus did their best to milk the service for what it was worth (ie... if you mention "full ceremony with 2 cameras" they take it to be THEIR 6 hour ceremony and another operator..<which is a misnomer on the marketing> not your "average" ceremony which is about 1 hour... <which is how most packages here in every business are advertised> )

Most customers didnt offer specifics with regard to duration and length of filming requred. but yer.. if your shooting for THAT amount of time.. tehn defiantely charge whats right.. no less than double of a normal package...

checkin out the clip now mate..

Peter Jefferson
September 10th, 2006, 09:26 AM
not my personal style.. for indian wedding, u might want to consider pinnacle/avid liquid holywoodFX (they have an indian wedding library) which gives some nice symbolic elements..

ok, afew things.. moving away from personal taste, i think the shot on the beach could be have been better (ie not blown out) if u exposed the sky properly and then sillhouetted the couple.. that IMO would have carried more of an impact within the cinematography... less is more.. ideas and suggestions can carry as much, if not more weight than actaully seeing something.. in this case the couple..
as sillouettes, we will know its them.... and there is an abundance of "them" shots throughout the piece...

Didnt care much for the cheesy poses and run into each others arms kinda stuff but thats just me... im sure the guests would have loved it though.. especially with him hittin the pole.. :)

The slideshow went on for a fair bit of time.. too long IMO.. but i think that could be from the music... for a live viewing at a reception, u MUST keep peoples attention... I got bored.. the music turned me off (considering the first track was upbeat)

i dont mean to sound ciritical, im not.. im just offering pointers...
Theres nothing wrong with it, but i think the music could have been spiced up a lil and the images zipped through a little faster.. keep the energy of the night happening.. so to speak

The final bit was a mixed bag for me.. keep an eye on the constant camera rotations.. there were too many elements to absorb with some nice compositions getting lost in the foray as i tried to figure out what was happening...

I felt lost as we try to find ourselves and where we are...
But some shots which were memorable were marred only by this constant rotation

theres nothign wrong with any of what you have here IMO.. some of the more risque work ive seen to date actually... riskier than i woul dpersoanlly do..

If this is your style... and your clients are happy, good stuff.. but if you intend to use this for demo purposes, make sure you explain to the view that this was the specific style the clients in question asked for, as i can see many people feeling what i do (ie this isnt to everyones tastes.. )

Thats no bad thing.. everyoneis different
Just remember that not many people have been exposed to this kind of video, so that needs to be taken into consideration when showing this type of work to potential clients

good luck with the rest of the piece :)

Terry Esslinger
September 10th, 2006, 11:12 AM
Sorry, I can't get the file to play.

Rick Steele
September 11th, 2006, 09:07 AM
The only thing I thought it was missing was actual "dialog" from the couple. Where was the "story"?

I'm not talking about on-cam in your face interviews. Just some voice overs would've made some parts really stand out.

Maybe that's just not the Indian thing to do - don't know.

Jose Fernandez
September 11th, 2006, 01:06 PM
I personally thought that it was a bit too long. It's hard to capture people's attention specially when you don't have any voices but it makes it more difficult as time progresses.

I normally use up two songs only and I always recommend to the couples to include pictures with some of the quests are the party. It keeps people guessing when their faces are going to show.

Love stories are hard to keep interesting but keeping it upbeat and short is key. Just my 2Cents