View Full Version : New Lilliput 8" VGA LCD

James Huenergardt
September 8th, 2006, 02:01 PM
Hello there,

I just purchased one of these, should be here next week.

I'm using for my Redrock DIY Adapter:

It was $259 plus $10 for shipping straight from them:

I'll write a review on the monitor and post photos soon.


Giroud Francois
September 8th, 2006, 03:23 PM
it is a touch screen model , is it available without ?

Keith Gruchala
September 9th, 2006, 03:09 PM
Here is a cheaper and better unit because it has built in image scaling and it's not touch screen;
I've used it in conjuction with component to VGA converters to get an HD image on the screen instead of a SD composite image. Can also be powered off IDX or ANTON BAUER power taps

James Huenergardt
September 9th, 2006, 09:22 PM

Which converter are you using? I'd love to see it.

How does it compare with SD to the monitor?

Which camera are you using?



Brian Luce
September 11th, 2006, 01:02 AM
Here is a cheaper and better unit because it has built in image scaling and it's not touch screen;
I've used it in conjuction with component to VGA converters to get an HD image on the screen instead of a SD composite image. Can also be powered off IDX or ANTON BAUER power taps

Is it cheaper though? It says 319 usd. Looks like a nice rig though.

Keith Gruchala
September 11th, 2006, 05:09 PM
Yea - guess they've gone up a bit and I bought mine off e-bay at a steal. Here's a link to e-bay bidding on the monitor:
I actually recomend buying the model 700YV because it has 2 addition standard def RCA connectors and built in speakers so you could even give the director sound if you want. This model is even a few bucks more.
They're both probably a bit more but well worth it as they have built in scalling to use all the pixels (and I,ve fed them both a 1080p signal and they work), they're 16X9, 480X800 native rez, run off of DC from 11-17V, which is important if you want an Anton Bauer or IDX for power since those batteries start out fresh at 16+VDC

James Huenergardt
September 11th, 2006, 06:50 PM
You can get the 700Y for $290 here with free shipping or the 700YV for $319 free shipping:

Brian Luce
September 12th, 2006, 02:07 AM
Is this a fairly know brand? I'm always cautious about getting off brand stuff. Sure sounds like a nice unit though.

James Ng
September 12th, 2006, 03:59 AM
Here is a cheaper and better unit because it has built in image scaling and it's not touch screen;
I've used it in conjuction with component to VGA converters to get an HD image on the screen instead of a SD composite image. Can also be powered off IDX or ANTON BAUER power taps

you have a picture of how is it looks like on your camera?

James Ng
September 14th, 2006, 10:56 PM
Lilliput is OK brand. Xenarc is a better one.

Steve Madsen
September 15th, 2006, 01:31 AM
I've used it in conjuction with component to VGA converters to get an HD image on the screen instead of a SD composite image.

I'm in need of a good monitor for focusing with the HVX. An idea how the quality would compare to the uncomfortably expensive Marshall? I've just cancelled an order of a cheapy 7" svideo monitor. Thanks.

James Huenergardt
September 15th, 2006, 09:02 AM

Once I get my Component to VGA adapter, I'll let you know how my Xenarc 700YV works with my Z1U.


Steven Davis
September 15th, 2006, 09:10 AM
I look forward to your review.

Ash Greyson
September 15th, 2006, 10:53 AM
I call these disposable monitors. These are fine for framing and OK for focus but they are extremely inconsistent and fragile. They are made for car-puters, not field work. By the time you get them to work for HD you will be upwards of $500+ and well on your way to owning the Marshall.

ash =o)

Ben Winter
September 15th, 2006, 11:42 AM
I have the Xenarc 800 version. It's an 8 inch 4:3 screen and it's great. Made of high quality durable aluminum metal, heavy but very sturdy. I've dropped it a couple times and it still performs like a champ. Sharp, but no S-video in so it degrades it a little. Still I use it for focusing with no problem with my FX1 and Brevis.

Here we're using it to monitor the feed from the crane:

It's got a screwmount on the bottom, standard 1/4" like on a camcorder so you can just screw on the mountplate for any tripod and put it on.

Also, if you're using a 35mm adapter and require the image to be flipped, the Xenarc has a both vertical and horizontal flip function accessible from the menu.
That's fine for pros but for us penny-pinchers "well on your way" doesn't mean "halfway there." Marshalls are near $1k.

Ash Greyson
September 15th, 2006, 12:23 PM
You are a brave man, using SD to check focus on HD with a 35mm adapter!

ash =o)

Steve Madsen
September 15th, 2006, 07:03 PM
Jim and Ben...thanks. I haven't resorted to pinching pennies - I'm still borrowing them, but I hear you :)

Are we expecting component to VGA results to be better or worse than svideo? The converter costs $100+ right?

Ash, bravery is mounting your cam on that crane next to a pool (kidding Ben:)

Lee Alford
September 15th, 2006, 10:05 PM
ben, when i see that 1st photo, i can't help but see oscar award winners in the making. :)

ash, can it be any worse then the viewfinders the cameras come with? i doubt it.

Ash Greyson
September 15th, 2006, 10:21 PM
DEFINATELY better than most stock viewfinders, that is for sure. Most pro gear will last 10+ years, I know several guys who are on their 3rd cheap LCD monitor.

ash =o)

Lynne Whelden
September 17th, 2006, 08:02 PM
Can anyone recommend a source for the component to VGA cable
a source for a cable/bracket unit that can convert NP1 batteries
to work with the xenarc 700YV monitor?

Keith Gruchala
September 18th, 2006, 04:27 PM
I posted here before to find interest in the rig I built and have advised a few of you how to build it now- I thought I'd send links to the pieces and describe what it is. The Xenarc monitor has 480X800 native resolution- just like the Marshall. In fact the astro's, marshall's, ERG's out there are all this rez until you pay in the $2000 range and then the rez goes up slightly. The monitor also has pixel for pixel display with built in scaling, which means it's underscan and it is sharp enough to pull focus with under most conditions with a good AC. It will handle 480i 480p, 720p, and 1080i and possibly 1080p. Ive used it with a Component to VGA converter box on the Panasonic HVX-200 in 1080 24p mode and it works- I believe the compnent signal however is 1080i. Works with the JVC HD-100- Haven't tried the Canon H1 yet. Below is a link for the component>VGA convertor I'm using which has two VGA outs and also a Component flow through which is really worth it if you want to run the on-board and a directors monitor at the same time. VGA converter:

The best is if you power the monitor and this box off a separate battery supply- I suggest wiring up an Anton Bauer or IDX plate or another type light weight on-board battery. You will however have to regulate this battery to 12v DC exactly for the box. The monitor can take 11-17v. Most IDX and Anton Bauer blocks are 16V DC when fresh and gradually drop off. There are plenty of DC>DC regulators out there (and you can up or down convert to 12v) but be careful that they fall in the range that you need. If you are trying to power this unit off the same battery as the one powering the camera there is an issue with isolating the negative ground from affecting the sync of the box. You have to isolate the ground and here is a link for a tiny solder-on type unit that does the job: pe%3DHome

Here is another unit that is a bigger box:

With this set up I am able to power box and monitor with IDX blocks for about 4-5 hours solid on a JVC-hd100. Colors however cannot be judged because the signal is heavy in the green range and I think this has something to do with the phase, which the monitor has phase adjustment, but it is out of the range of correction. The component flow through connectors are not affected so a directors secondary monitor is a clean signal. Earlier in this post are the links for the cheapest Xenarc- I recomend the 700YV because for a few bucks more you get two extra standard RCA composite inputs as well as sound with a built in speaker or headphone jack. I have actually used this to feed the director sound when using a wireless set up directly on camera. One other issue with using this on-board as a rough and ready directors monitor for run and gun- I have used a 12 ft. cable successfully, but a 25 ft. one made the monitor unstable and visible banding appeared in the signal- probably a signal amplification issue- so using it on a large crane is not a good idea unfortunately until I can figure out a solution.

Lynne Whelden
September 18th, 2006, 07:08 PM
Thanks for such a complete description! Appreciate your taking the time to do it.