View Full Version : miking a mock group counseling session??

Bill Mecca
September 8th, 2006, 11:14 AM
This isn't how I had been told this would play out, but this is now what they want.

mock group counseling session, 5 participants + 1 facilitator. One camera. My plan at the moment. Set them up Choir style 2 in front, 3 in back (if I can get a riser or taller chairs, if not I will have to stagger them like theater seating.
facilitator will be next to the camera, and I'll re-shoot his questions later (originally he was not going to be seen or heard).

As for audio, I have three lavs, 2 SM58 and my own personal Rode NT2. I was thinking of using a boom mic stand and suspending the Rode over the group and using a lav on the facilitator, but not sure how the Rode will pick up the group. Alternatively I could use 3 lavs on three group members, and position 2 SM58 slightly out of camera range to get the other two. but then the facilitator is left out. I have one 4 channel Shure mixer (could add my own small Behringer mixer in to do a submix.

so other ideas are welcome. to recap One DSR250 camcorder, 5 in the group + one off camera facilitator,(total 6) 2 SM58, 3 AT lavs, 1 Rode NT2. a Shure 4 channel mixer (additional Behringermx602a mixer available) One beleagured and overworked video producer. LOL (and this happens Tuesday)

Greg Watts
September 8th, 2006, 01:46 PM
Why not get a boom operator to handle the boom? That would eliminate the need for 5 mics.

Ralph Keyser
September 8th, 2006, 02:57 PM
The short answer is to hire a sound guy for this shoot. A boom operator with a good hypercardiod or even cardiod mic could probably handle this with one mic, but if you want to go for something like planting the lavs in among the crowd, you'll need a mixer. Short of that, I'd be looking at a pair of mics - one for the front row, one for the back. On booms overhead and angled back toward the speakers. I doubt that you'll be able to get enough sensitivity out of the SM58's. They're really designed for close mic'd situations like singers.
Don't worry about the facilitator. Get him when you turn around for his shots.