Bill Mecca
September 8th, 2006, 11:14 AM
This isn't how I had been told this would play out, but this is now what they want.
mock group counseling session, 5 participants + 1 facilitator. One camera. My plan at the moment. Set them up Choir style 2 in front, 3 in back (if I can get a riser or taller chairs, if not I will have to stagger them like theater seating.
facilitator will be next to the camera, and I'll re-shoot his questions later (originally he was not going to be seen or heard).
As for audio, I have three lavs, 2 SM58 and my own personal Rode NT2. I was thinking of using a boom mic stand and suspending the Rode over the group and using a lav on the facilitator, but not sure how the Rode will pick up the group. Alternatively I could use 3 lavs on three group members, and position 2 SM58 slightly out of camera range to get the other two. but then the facilitator is left out. I have one 4 channel Shure mixer (could add my own small Behringer mixer in to do a submix.
so other ideas are welcome. to recap One DSR250 camcorder, 5 in the group + one off camera facilitator,(total 6) 2 SM58, 3 AT lavs, 1 Rode NT2. a Shure 4 channel mixer (additional Behringermx602a mixer available) One beleagured and overworked video producer. LOL (and this happens Tuesday)
mock group counseling session, 5 participants + 1 facilitator. One camera. My plan at the moment. Set them up Choir style 2 in front, 3 in back (if I can get a riser or taller chairs, if not I will have to stagger them like theater seating.
facilitator will be next to the camera, and I'll re-shoot his questions later (originally he was not going to be seen or heard).
As for audio, I have three lavs, 2 SM58 and my own personal Rode NT2. I was thinking of using a boom mic stand and suspending the Rode over the group and using a lav on the facilitator, but not sure how the Rode will pick up the group. Alternatively I could use 3 lavs on three group members, and position 2 SM58 slightly out of camera range to get the other two. but then the facilitator is left out. I have one 4 channel Shure mixer (could add my own small Behringer mixer in to do a submix.
so other ideas are welcome. to recap One DSR250 camcorder, 5 in the group + one off camera facilitator,(total 6) 2 SM58, 3 AT lavs, 1 Rode NT2. a Shure 4 channel mixer (additional Behringermx602a mixer available) One beleagured and overworked video producer. LOL (and this happens Tuesday)