View Full Version : Gamma and Levels Correction in PremierePro 2.0

Marty Baggen
September 8th, 2006, 08:25 AM
What filters are you all utilizing for simple, what I would call Proc Amp adjustments? Yes I know there is a "Proc Amp" filter in Premiere, but it is nothing more than a brightness-contrast adjust. Any of the "auto" correcting filters produce contrast flickering.

The "Levels" filter seems to offer the closest approach to a conventional adjustment of pedestal and luma levels.

Maybe After Effects can handle these tweaks better?

Secondarily, what is the approach for setup with Cineform AVI's? Should we be setting our blacks to 0% or 7.5% (with 7.5 IRE setup selected on the waveform)? How does Cineform see black?

OnQ Film