View Full Version : Recapturing to full resolution with Avid

James Osman
September 5th, 2006, 07:13 PM

I'm having problems recapturing from 15:1 to 25:1. When I do it the capture is off by a slight margin. The timecode should not be a problem because I redubbed all my tapes and made fresh time code before I started editing. Is there any way to correct this problem? I've been told by some people that I may have to fix everything manually. This would be just dreadful as it would be almost akin to editing it all over again. I'm hoping there is some trick to fixing this.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

John M. McCloskey
February 13th, 2009, 03:09 PM
Same problem, have posted the same question in differnet words in several threads. Seems to be a mistery with no answers.

Vito DeFilippo
February 13th, 2009, 11:56 PM
What decks are you using to recapture? What format is the project? Consumer grade decks or cameras are not frame accurate in recapturing DV.

I've had good success in recapturing, but I tend to recapture by selecting clips, not by selecting the sequence. I figure if I recapture clips, that's far fewer times the deck has to line up to find the inpoint, and perhaps not do it well.

You could try adjusting the deck settings to match the deck you are using, as opposed to just "generic dv device".

Or you could experiment with increasing the preroll time (custom preroll).

Other than that, I'm out of ideas...

John M. McCloskey
February 16th, 2009, 08:21 AM
Vito, we are shooting with Z1U's and using the M10U deck to begin the process of digitizing. We bring the footage into our Avid adrenalines at DV25 and edit it to a master line then dump it to DVCam to send to the CHannel we air on. Now we have began to go back and get our master lines and rebatch the footage at 1 to 1 to get a master HDV line and dump to HDCam. Sounds simple enough but are having some serious issues with getting our decks to sync our old lines to the HDV. Audio and video dont sync. Timecode is having issues. THX

Vito DeFilippo
February 16th, 2009, 08:28 AM
So you are rebatching by selecting a sequence? Is a sequence what you call a master line?

Try selecting the source clips instead of a sequence to see if you get a better result.

Did you try adjusting the deck settings so that the capture tool lists your deck instead of "generic dv device?"