View Full Version : I don't know why you guys do it...
Ken Diewert September 4th, 2006, 11:30 PM Well, for the money I guess.
I just got back from out of town shooting a family wedding.
Now, I've shot lots of stuff over the years and even went to film school 15 years ago. I've shot a few weddings but just for family and friends. Now it's been probably 10 years since I've shot a wedding, now I know why.
I tried to do the right thing. I attended the rehearsal the day before. They were planning to 'face' the harsh afternoon sun. Both bride and groom would be squinting. So the photographer and I suggested that being that it was too late to arrange for an awning or tent, we should try to reposition the ceremony so the lighter would be easier to work with. I desperately wanted to at least set up some bounce cards to kick back some light to soften the dark side, but alas, I couldn't sneak anything in discretely.
Also during the rehearsal, I told them that I would likely be hiding a mic in the metal arch that would be behind the pastor. I considered going wireless but only had one lav. As it turned out, lavs probably would have been worse
When I arrived (an hour early) the next day, I found the chairs already set up and angled to the worst possible angle for the sun. I manipulated my position to best capture the nuptuals, and felt marginally comfortable until the ceremony began. The pastor came walking to the front on the service
(just ahead of the bride and groom) with a MICROPHONE. Unbeknownst to me, they had somewhere in the last 24 hours, decided to use a microphone and loudspeakers to conduct the service. My mic picked up the live voices followed a split second later by the relay from the speakers. Apparently most of the guests found this annoying as well. Between trying to balance the exposure between bride and groom and fighting the audio, I was becoming a wreck. I mean I was doing it for free, but I still have pride and want to do the best job possible.
At some point in there, I realized why I hate taping weddings... the lack of control. When we're making a film, most of the time we have lights and flags, and c-stands and gaffers tape everywhere, with cords and requisite crap everywhere. Because all that matters is what 'reads' on tape. The set can look like crap. Not so at a wedding.
If we don't like a shot in filmmaking, we say CUT!, let's try that another way. WE say 'OK, let's take it from the top'. Director's take charge of a film set.
Even in doc filmmaking, we can re-shoot, try it again, wait for the magic hour.
I went into this with a plan. I thought I could handle this. No problem, I said to myself. I practically had the thing shot and edited in my mind before even turning on the camera. I ended up shooting twice as much tape as I had planned (90+ minutes), as I scrambled to think of ways to re-cut the thing as I went along. Now I'm faced with god knows how much editing to make a product that I'll be reasonably happy to put my name on.
Don't get me wrong... I love a challenge but my hat's off to you guys in the biz... It's a completely different world out there in Wedding Videoland. I won't be stealing any of your business any time soon.
Walter S. Chelliah September 5th, 2006, 12:11 AM Welcome to the Suck, Ken.
Kevin Shaw September 5th, 2006, 12:29 AM Yeah, wedding and other live event videos can be a real challenge, and few customers are willing to pay enough to really make it worth the effort. But it's one way to get some experience doing something I enjoy doing while making a few bucks and getting some appreciation from customers for a video which they'll hopefully enjoy watching many years from now. Nothing I do in my 'day job' is likely to be remembered a few years hence, but maybe some of my wedding videos will become family heirlooms. Small consolation for a lot of effort, but somehow it works for me.
Ken Diewert September 5th, 2006, 01:21 AM Welcome to the Suck, Ken.
Hey Walter,
I'm not staying... I'm just passing through.
Part of the problem was I was in your neck of the woods, well Calgary. I'm from the the extreme west coast where we at least have some shade. This wedding was at 6:00 pm. I expected it to be somewhat cooler, but there was the damn sun, blazing away.
Actually, I just captured the first hour, and it wasn't as bad as my EVF read. The factory setting on the H1 is too bright, I toned it down but a tad too much, so it was reading darker than true. During my panic stricken phase I at least managed to maintain reasonable composition.
You're right. It's is good experience. And when you do capture those special moments, there is some gratification. You're also correct in that few people would pay enough to really make it worthwhile to do on a regular basis.
Walter S. Chelliah September 5th, 2006, 02:21 AM I'm not staying... I'm just passing through.
I said the exact same thing. And that was 3.5 years ago.
Peter Jefferson September 5th, 2006, 06:45 AM i live this....
its not as bad as it could be... i mean sure enough there are those moments, but in the end, if worse comes to worse, i hammer my way into the aisle and shoot what i can. If in doubt, blow it out (the background that is) i also run daylights and foam bounce boards if i need, but in the end, with this kind of environment, its really depends on how your camera can handle these kind of levels, and how you handle yourself in that environment.
when i am doing 3 weddings a week for 4 weeks straight (got afew of those comnig up.. :( by the second week, i really cant be fuggered giving a toss about what im doing, and it starts to show.
One thing to always remember, is that even though the pay is piss poor.. 2500 a pop on average.. 15hours + on the road and or shooting, then 60hrs average for an edit... what you're doing is making a difference to someones life...
Steven Davis September 5th, 2006, 07:05 AM Well, for the money I guess.
shooting a family wedding.
This would have been my concern.
Unbeknownst to me, they had somewhere in the last 24 hours, decided to use a microphone and loudspeakers to conduct the service.
This is the other, which is tied to concern number 1. Since today, respect for someone's time and effort is often disregarded without some pain (i.e. money) being involved, it's obvious that the 'family' didn't care about your 'very expensive gift' in the form of a wedding video production. Had they actually paid you, there's a greater chance things would have turned out better.
With your amount of video experience and expertise, I would be rather insulted that things were so far out of your control. The rehearsal is a good judge of what your day is going to be like on the day of.
Unfortunately, I think we've all been where you are, it's very frustrating when people don't understand the amount of work and breadth of involvment in what you do.
I would definetly relay my grief to the bride and groom.
Mike Oveson September 5th, 2006, 08:21 AM With your amount of video experience and expertise, I would be rather insulted that things were so far out of your control.
Unfortunately, I think we've all been where you are, it's very frustrating when people don't understand the amount of work and breadth of involvment in what you do.
I would definetly relay my grief to the bride and groom.
I think that being "insulted" by this incident would be a bit far gone. As you said above, most "people don't understand the amount of work and breadth of involvement in what you do." The couple had ten zillion things to worry about, last of all the wedding video. I think he could be a bit harried by the event (I know I have been in similar situations) but to take offense where none was intended is foolish.
Anyway, glad you stopped in Ken. It's always nice to hear someone say "wow, you folks really do have a tough job."
Steven Davis September 5th, 2006, 08:49 AM what you're doing is making a difference to someones life... Peter careful, your soft side is showing. :}
It's true though, many brides regret not going with video after they get to week two of thier marriage and can't remembe 15% of what went on at thier special day. And now they never will be able to see what they missed.
Ken Diewert September 5th, 2006, 09:35 AM I said the exact same thing. And that was 3.5 years ago.
Actually, I designed my new production company to avoid attracting brides. For starters, it's called Cutlass Film (and video productions), and my logo is a skull and crossed swords on a film strip pirate flag.
It's still under construction, but the point is, I actually consciously chose to attempt to alienate a significant market segment. Of course I may live to regret it.
Thanks for the sympathy guys, I did relay my concerns about the lighting and audio to the party. They're pretty easy going (unlike some wedding groups, some day I'll have to tell the story of my first ever wedding vid 15 years ago). I'm likely far more critical than them in most cases.
I did mention to the photograher that at least she only has to make them look good for a 125th of a second at a time.
Chris Barcellos September 5th, 2006, 10:10 AM I think that being "insulted" by this incident would be a bit far gone. As you said above, most "people don't understand the amount of work and breadth of involvement in what you do." The couple had ten zillion things to worry about, last of all the wedding video. I think he could be a bit harried by the event (I know I have been in similar situations) but to take offense where none was intended is foolish.
Anyway, glad you stopped in Ken. It's always nice to hear someone say "wow, you folks really do have a tough job."
Exactly, Mike.
I was called on the spur of the moment to shoot a musical production, when someone's "cousin" pulled out. When I got to rehearsal, I tried to secure camera locations, and of course was met with a lot of flack. In fact, this was a one night event, and they were more worried about filling seats than having good video or sound for posterity. Kevin might know this place-- it the 24th Street Theatre in Sacramento. Lighting was terrible, with no regard for video production values.
Point is, in my view, a videographers job in this sort of a situation is not to become a bigger problem to the customer. While you need to be firm about minimum standards, you have to also be aware that in a "one shot" event like a wedding or a production like this, the customer is concerned about the moment, rather than the recording the moment.. and that is something that the videographer has to accept and work around.
Kevin Shaw September 5th, 2006, 10:55 AM a videographers job in this sort of a situation is not to become a bigger problem to the customer. While you need to be firm about minimum standards, you have to also be aware that in a "one shot" event like a wedding or a production like this, the customer is concerned about the moment, rather than the recording the moment.. and that is something that the videographer has to accept and work around.
After seven years of doing event videography I'm starting to relax a little about not being able to deliver perfect results under imperfect conditions. Most customers seem to be happy with what I give them, and I don't think they're nearly as picky as we are about the results. If they really wanted perfect videos they'd be paying a lot more to get them and letting us have more input in things, but that doesn't seem to be what most people want. They just want something better than what "Uncle Charlie" can do...
Jonathan Nelson September 5th, 2006, 11:22 AM Hahaha,
Actually, I designed my new production company to avoid attracting brides. For starters, it's called Cutlass Film (and video productions), and my logo is a skull and crossed swords on a film strip pirate flag.
That is so funny. You might still attract those pirate weddings.
Sheldon Blais September 5th, 2006, 12:14 PM Ken try to incorporate stills into the areas that look "too bad".
George Ellis September 5th, 2006, 01:28 PM After seven years of doing event videography I'm starting to relax a little about not being able to deliver perfect results under imperfect conditions. Most customers seem to be happy with what I give them, and I don't think they're nearly as picky as we are about the results. If they really wanted perfect videos they'd be paying a lot more to get them and letting us have more input in things, but that doesn't seem to be what most people want. They just want something better than what "Uncle Charlie" can do...
What you have as equipment will kill Uncle Charlie's version. When folks see what my VX-2100 can do compared to a standard old school 1chipper, it makes it worth it. And since it was not hand-held for the whole thing, they can watch it too. It is better than you think, even if you know it is not.
Michelle Lewis September 5th, 2006, 02:41 PM "I did mention to the photograher that at least she only has to make them look good for a 125th of a second at a time."
ha. What did she say?
Ken Diewert September 5th, 2006, 04:44 PM "I did mention to the photograher that at least she only has to make them look good for a 125th of a second at a time."
ha. What did she say?
Actually she was really cool. She was sympathetic (she too was battling the lighting). I don't think she'd thought of it like that before.
Of course photogs don't have to worry about audio (screaming child (mine) during speeches, etc.).
After reviewing the footage it really isn't as bad as I first thought. And the slight repeat in the audio, well they'll just have to live with that. I managed to strike somewhat of a balance. The H1 produces incredible images especially when using the custom presets. It's just the harsh lighting and the lack of an awning really detracts from what could have been some stunning images. I'm downconverting from HD to SD for post. But it still holds up pretty well.
Waldemar Winkler September 6th, 2006, 04:25 PM I shoot weddings because:
1) I find them extraordinarily fun to do.
2) While the capture process is a bit of a crap shoot, I get to document some fascinating story telling opportunities.
3) A wedding is a pivotal point in anyone's life, filled with a lot of hope and promise.
4) The years following a wedding can get very rocky. Mine was 24 years ago. It is still on firm ground, but the sailing has been far from smooth at times.
5) Maybe, just maybe, the work I do will serve as a reminder of the value of those hopes and promises when they are needed most.
6) First and foremost, I don't shoot weddings for the money. The money is fair compensation, to be sure. I probably would not do them without that compensation. Everything one does has to have some grounding in reality. Most of what I do is based upon the basic need to earn a living. Within those endeavors there has to be something that is purely for fun.
Compensation for that fun is a welcome perk.
Ken Diewert September 6th, 2006, 11:35 PM I shoot weddings because:
1) I find them extraordinarily fun to do.
2) While the capture process is a bit of a crap shoot, I get to document some fascinating story telling opportunities.
3) A wedding is a pivotal point in anyone's life, filled with a lot of hope and promise.
4) The years following a wedding can get very rocky. Mine was 24 years ago. It is still on firm ground, but the sailing has been far from smooth at times.
5) Maybe, just maybe, the work I do will serve as a reminder of the value of those hopes and promises when they are needed most.
6) First and foremost, I don't shoot weddings for the money. The money is fair compensation, to be sure. I probably would not do them without that compensation. Everything one does has to have some grounding in reality. Most of what I do is based upon the basic need to earn a living. Within those endeavors there has to be something that is purely for fun.
Compensation for that fun is a welcome perk.
That's the attitude you need.
Actually I hate to admit it but this wedding has been kind of a pleasant project to edit. Using only 1 cam makes post pretty quick and I'm using Vegas 6 and find it's really smooth. My wife is enjoying helping. The H1 can produce some stunning stuff. I picked up a copy of all the wedding tunes on CD from the sound guy which saved me searching for them. Should be about 12 maybe 15 hours for total post.
All in all, I think I'll be quite happy with the finished product.
Rick Steele September 7th, 2006, 04:36 PM Using only 1 cam makes post pretty quickIf by "quick" you mean saving time because that's the only footage then I agree - not much more you can do.
But I'd never go back to a single cam. With at least 2 cams there's so many angle options the edit is a lot less stressful IMO.
Sound's like yours is rolling along though.
Ken Diewert September 7th, 2006, 04:53 PM If by "quick" you mean saving time because that's the only footage then I agree - not much more you can do.
But I'd never go back to a single cam. With at least 2 cams there's so many angle options the edit is a lot less stressful IMO.
Sound's like yours is rolling along though.
Yeah, I know what you mean. That's likely why I would never shoot weddings as a primary biz. You pretty much have to have spare everythings, just in case. Initially I thought I was going to have to cut in some B-roll stuff I shot (footage of a retrospective 'this is you life' slideshow). A well placed second cam would relieve some stress. More post but also more options.
Rick Steele September 7th, 2006, 04:58 PM Initially I thought I was going to have to cut in some B-roll stuff I shot I remember those days - filling something in while I "ran" to the back of the church.
But there's only so many times you can use footage of the brides' parents or church windows. :)
Tyson Persall September 8th, 2006, 12:39 AM 3 years ago, I absolutly hated the idea of doing weddings videos... but I got into it and now that Ive been doing it for 3 years Ive learned so much and I keep getting better. Any you know what i think overall after those 3 years...
I still hate doing weddings.
I think The reason I keep doing it is the lack of control and the hope that one day I will finaly shoot that one wedding video where everything goes right. Then Ill quit.
Dennis Khaye September 8th, 2006, 01:16 AM I have that same attitude toward golf, after I birdy every hole in a round of 18, I'll quit.
Waldemar Winkler September 8th, 2006, 06:35 PM [QUOTE=
But I'd never go back to a single cam. With at least 2 cams there's so many angle options the edit is a lot less stressful IMO.[/QUOTE]
Absolutely! I've done single cam shoots for years, because that is all I had to use. Got rather good at the process, if I do say so myself. Recently, I had a situation where a makeshift "kneeling altar" had been set up for the ceremony. No ifs, butts, or maybes, I knew I was in for several minutes of backsides footage during the ceremony. For a moment I considered having a club capable of delivering significant blunt force at my next consultation (what don't you understand about a single camera shoot?), but chose to use my backup camera instead. One camera was locked on the tripod and the backup positioned to avoid the backsides.
That decision, combined with FCP5's "live mix" feature, made for a really great video in record time. No more single cameras for me!
Bob Harotunian September 15th, 2006, 01:43 PM Producing wedding movies is a love/hate matter for me. After 4 years in this business, I'm still a nervous wreck for hours before a wedding. But, the reward comes when I know I just nailed a great scene or the B&G tell me they loved the movie.
I love the camera and editing opportunity to be creative...I hate the pre-wedding anxiety. Can anyone recommend a good drug?
Ian Slessor September 19th, 2006, 09:22 PM I love the camera and editing opportunity to be creative...I hate the pre-wedding anxiety. Can anyone recommend a good drug?
Two fingers of 18-year-old Glenfiddich. Neat.
That is all.
Peter Jefferson September 22nd, 2006, 10:39 PM i only just noticed i didnt answer the question.. lol
1) I love what i do... i do it well and poeple njoi my work. Im not out to make awards or to show off what i can and cannot do, i do a job that people appreciate, in a style which is my own.
2) I make new friends and get to know my clients intimately. Usually about 95% of the time im helping them sort out the sequence of their day. Its not my job to, but if i can put in 2c worth of ideas, then those ideas are usually taken and it makes their day run smoother, for them, and for us.
3) Creative freedom. Need i say more..
4) Its fun
5) working with phtoographers gives me insight into their mentality and attitudes. I learn from the best and ignore the arrogant types.
I like to bounce ideas and thoughts from them and usually the video and photos end up having a similar flow and feel. THis is one element i like to have with my work as every archived element of teh wedding "fits" Its not like th ephotos go one way, and the video goes off on a tangent
6) I like to help others in the industry. Despite my bluntness and sometimes arrogant nature, im really not stuck up. I like to see people progress and learn from my own experiences. If i had a mentor, i wouldnt be learning things the hard way, but i find its best to learn from experience.
7) What i do changes peoples lives. It affects their memories and documents a part of peoples lives which will never be repeated. Divorced now or not, is not the point. at THAT time, it was a pivotal moment. To be a part of that moment in anyones life, is a huge responsibility. I laugh at those that go and buy a cam and say "im going to shoot weddings" Its not that easy.
Yes one can always go out and "play it by ear" and shoot everything, but thats a foollsh approach..
It took me 18 months to go public with my video services, from inception, to business design to marketing, sales etc etc It only took this long because im not the type who wants to leave myself open to mistakes.
8) you get a decent meal.. ;)
9) the pay can be piss poor in quiet times, but working and budgeting effectively, one can make a decent living, pay the bills and earn quite a substantial profit
10) Did i mention its fun?
11) The pay. Les face it, most of wouldnt be doing this if we werent making money from it