View Full Version : Exporting to Quicktime?

Harrison Freedman
September 4th, 2006, 04:00 PM
I've read a few topics about how to export from FCP to quicktime and have it look the same, and have the same quality. The advice always given is to turn on High Quality in quicktime, and to display on a proper monitor. I've done both and it still does not look the same as it does in FCP.

I'm working on a black and white video and in FCP the colors are great. I export to quicktime, and it still looks good but the diffusion has a weird tint to it and blacks arn't as sharp.

Is there a specific way, or differnt way to do this?

Cale Rogers
September 4th, 2006, 09:16 PM

I've only had a problem with gamma exporting from FCP to QuickTime. Try exporting a self contained QuickTime file and then using Compressor to apply a gamma filter. Or export the sequence to Compressor directly from FCP. Then inside Compressor add to your compression preset, or custom setting, and add a gamma filter adjustment to the finished file. Preview it inside Compressor when making the adjustments. This may require making a gamma change to the compression setting, saving the preset and then reapplying the setting to the sequence in the list to view the update. Lengthy at first, but you'll have a custom compression preset once you have the gamma dialed in. You may also need to add other color adjustments to the preset. Again, a lengthy workflow, but worth it when you want the best looking compressions. That's what I've had to do to get compressions from FCP to look the way I want them to across monitors and platforms.

Hope that helps,

CJ Rogers

Harrison Freedman
September 5th, 2006, 06:56 AM
Lengthy and frustrating, yes, but probably well worth it. I'll give it a try. Still wishing there was an easier way.