Jack Zhang
September 3rd, 2006, 08:55 PM
The SR1 has a mere 1434K effective pixels during AVCHD recording but features a hard drive with a ton of features...
The HV10 has a stunning 2070k effective pixels during HDV recording but I hate dropouts.
I'm torn between these two right now, which one should I go for? Quality with the sacrifice of dropouts or Reliability with not as great quality?
I'll be losing a lot of sleep over this so answer fast.
Lee Wilson
September 3rd, 2006, 09:25 PM
Where have you heard about these drop outs ??
Personally I would go for quality everytime.
I am torn between the HC1 and the HV10.
Does anyone know how they stack up against each other quality wise ???
Cheers for any help.
Jack Zhang
September 3rd, 2006, 11:42 PM
The HC1/A1U has a close 1983K effective pixels during HDV recording
The HV10 has a stunning 2070k effective pixels during HDV recording
Lee Wilson
September 4th, 2006, 10:08 AM
The HV10 has a stunning 2070k effective pixels during HDV recording but I hate dropouts
What do you mean by "but I hate dropouts" when you talk about the HV10 ???
Jack Zhang
September 4th, 2006, 04:53 PM
^HDV is prone to dropouts which are half-second errors in the video. Lower quality tapes are very prone to dropouts and I don't want to lose a single shot because of a single dropout. I also can't afford to buy a couple of HDV tapes that are less prone to dropouts.
I'm going with the SR1, it's not that high quality but it's a good start with tons of convience.
Lee Wilson
September 4th, 2006, 06:55 PM
^HDV is prone to dropouts which are half-second errors in the video. Lower quality tapes are very prone to dropouts and I don't want to lose a single shot because of a single dropout. I also can't afford to buy a couple of HDV tapes that are less prone to dropouts.
I'm going with the SR1, it's not that high quality but it's a good start with tons of convience.
Thanks I see now !
I am planning to get a HV10 and plumb it into my Apple powerbook and record straight to the hard drive through iMovie - bypassing the tape, I did this with an FX1 and it worked great, it saved me from having to digitise the footage later.
I supose this will avoid tape drop out also.
All the footage I have hunted down in the last two or three weeks shows the HV10 to be superior to not only the SR1 but even the FX1 !! (see here >>> http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/showthread.php?p=537641#post537641 )
Although I also own the JVC GZ MC500 hard drive camcorder and it is great to just be able to plumb your camera and drag off the clips you need - but for me quality is the bottom line so I am perpared to give up this luxury - although using my powerbook method will go some way to emulating this set up.