View Full Version : Free Demonstration of 4 point lighting

Guy Cochran
September 1st, 2006, 06:35 PM
You've probably seen the diagram of where to place light fixtures for three point lighting. How about seeing how it works in a 5 minute Flash Video?

Check out basic three point lighting with the Lowel DVcreator Kit 1.

- 750W Lowel Tota with Umbrella for the Key

- Bounce Reflector for Fill

- 125W Lowel Pro light for the Backlight

There's also a 4th light in the kit which can be used to light the background.

Check out the video here -

Of course you can use any lighting fixture instead of the Lowel lights, so the video should give you a general idea of where to place each of your lights to get this look. For example, a China Ball could be used with a Photoflood bulb for the key, a sheet of foam core for the fill, a halogen desk lamp for the backlight, and a Home Depot worklight for the background. The Lowel Kit is just cool because it all folds up into a small case for travel.