View Full Version : Adrinn Chellton rethinks career goals...

Adrinn Chellton
August 31st, 2006, 11:17 PM
After carefully reviewing the rest of the field I have come to the realization that maybe I need to rethink my career goals !! no really, good show all! Maybe I can lift my bar next run so I can actually compete now that I know what I'm up against.

Lorinda Norton
August 31st, 2006, 11:56 PM
Not true!! I wish I could figure out a way to change the subject line of your thread.

I thought your movie was quite interesting, Adrinn, and gutsy on top of everything else. The moon, a fickle and betraying female? Whoa!!! lol

Your voiceover work was good, your images pleasant and beautiful. What's the story on the color of the sky at 1:46? It's really pretty.

I'll be watching for you in DVC7! :)

Adrinn Chellton
September 1st, 2006, 01:45 AM
Hey Lorinda you are too kind! I enjoyed your film too, interesting angles and a funny story help it along =) I really liked the hands coming out of the sky to take the beer back.

As for my entry, it was my first ever attampt at a voice-over. It's tough to string 20+ voice clips together and make them sound like a monologue. Had at least 8 takes of each one. The sky at 1:46 was made in after effects wanted to make a day shot look like a night one.

I'll most certainly be back for DVC 7 this stuff is fun and if I keep trying I might even get better at it, who knows?

Michael Fossenkemper
September 1st, 2006, 07:35 AM
Get out..... I really liked the story. There were some really nice images. I think the only thing that I didn't like was the voice over quality. When you are recording a voice over with a mic, there are a couple of things you should look out for technique wise. 1- don't get so close up on the mic. 2- if you have a pop filter, use it. If you don't, you can make one out of panty hose and a coat hanger. just bend a coat hanger into a circle or square and stretch the pany hose over it and either hold it with your hand or secure it somehow in front of the mic. this will diffuse the "P's". You can also place the mic facing down on your mouth or facing up from the bottom so that the wind from your mouth doesn't hit the mic directly. This will make a huge difference in your film presentation.

Thanks for sharing. I really did like the story a lot.

Lorinda Norton
September 1st, 2006, 09:42 AM
I'll most certainly be back for DVC 7 this stuff is fun and if I keep trying I might even get better at it, who knows?
That's the way to think! We'll all have a great time, as usual.

You changed the title! Thank you!! :)

Chris Barcellos
September 1st, 2006, 10:41 AM
Get out..... I really liked the story. There were some really nice images. I think the only thing that I didn't like was the voice over quality. When you are recording a voice over with a mic, there are a couple of things you should look out for technique wise. 1- don't get so close up on the mic. 2- if you have a pop filter, use it. If you don't, you can make one out of panty hose and a coat hanger. just bend a coat hanger into a circle or square and stretch the pany hose over it and either hold it with your hand or secure it somehow in front of the mic. this will diffuse the "P's". You can also place the mic facing down on your mouth or facing up from the bottom so that the wind from your mouth doesn't hit the mic directly. This will make a huge difference in your film presentation.

Thanks for sharing. I really did like the story a lot.


What's your favorite brand of panty hose ? That stuff left our house about the 1990's, along with dresses.... :)

Sean McHenry
September 1st, 2006, 11:39 AM
Interestingly phrased question there - and very bad visualls followed it. Nothing more disturbing, at least to me, than big hairy man legs in pantyhose.

Brrrrrr. I can't even think about it.

One other similar method, stand sideways to the mic a bit. Basically, any position to keep you from being able to directly blow air at the element will help. Look at our fine sponsors or Markertek for cost effective "pop-stoppers" or similar. They really are just a mesh over a round frame with a gooseneck clamp.

Thinking back, you could probably make a really nice looking version with one of those small embroidry hoops, some left over black paint and a pair of black pantyhose. If you put too much effort into it, you might as well buy one however as the cost effectivness factor will disipate with the amount of effort.

Then again, get 3 or four folks to split the cost on some items and make 4 or 5 of them.


Michael Fossenkemper
September 1st, 2006, 12:57 PM

What's your favorite brand of panty hose ? That stuff left our house about the 1990's, along with dresses.... :)

I personally like fishnets, but they don't work so well as a popper stopper. After you go and mutilate a pair, you can take the leftover and try it out as a filter over the camera.

sean, yeah those hoop things work great.

Other neat tricks with pop filters:

tape a pencil in the middle of the pop filter and it amazingly de-ess's too. don't ask, I don't know why.

take two pop filters and space them about 1-2 centimeters apart and this will de-ss your vocal too.

Doing voiceovers? set the mic up in front of your curtains, works great as an absorber and a diffusor.

can't give you all of my recording secrets in one shot. so I'll stop here.

Adrinn Chellton
September 1st, 2006, 06:43 PM
Ohh, I was just kidding with the title although it may have been a bit over the top.. I have a tendency towards humorous self-degradation, been a fault of mine since I learned I wasn't the god of the world. Thanks for the tips on mic screening, I held the mic properly just haven't mastered speaking into it likewise.