Todd Kivimaki
June 13th, 2007, 07:16 AM
Alright I looked over my code and really had some bad code so I re worked the embedded wmv code and it looks as though everything should be working. Fred if you wouldn't mind could you take a look at my site on your mac and let me know if it is playing on you now (it plays on mine but who knows) Thanks for the help!
Fred Light
June 13th, 2007, 08:13 AM
Todd: Perfecto! Works like a charm!
Todd Kivimaki
June 13th, 2007, 10:25 AM
Thanks Fred, I'm pumped now that it is working, thanks again for pointing it out to me.
Carl Downs
June 17th, 2007, 03:28 PM
This is a huge "Step" for videographers. Pros: (many besides what I think... but,) People from around the world can "walk through" a house, Music, Voice Overs, Passive "Watching" ect. ect. Cons: I find most videos to "confuse" me about the house... just that... angles of cameras are so narrow... but, I guess this can't be helped, Size, RESPECT!
Mr. Nashuavideotours... I feel your work is WAY TOO CHEAP! $120 - $300 bucks? Man... do you realize how much professionals get these days? I'm sure you do but I think you are (as a previous poster said) putting a lot of work for such a little fee. The idiot Realtor (most are) gets 20-30 THOUSAND for selling that house... There is a major unbalance of skill vrs. payment in the Videographer business and I always thought it was because Videographers never give themselves enough credit.
Why not... start, Really High! like... $1000 - $4000 for those big houses... and bring prices down? Thats what all big business does. They never start Super Low and then try... to bring them up... No Good as the "Cheap" image is already there.
I think this RE Video business could be good for all Videographers but... since it's just starting... why don't we all get together and present it as a "Classy" "Professional" "Absolutely Needed" "and (not expensive but) Professional level price" ?
Once again Mr. Nashua... your site is clean, professional and what you present and do for your customers is over the top... But sooooooo cheap for what you do.
Fred Light
June 17th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Unfortunately, I've worked with Realtors for many, many years and I know what they are willing to pay. It's not based on their commission. Unless it was a property selling for $10M, you won't find a realtor anywhere that would pay thousands of dollars for a video. Won't happen. Guaranteed. Even at that price I don't think they'd spring for it. In fact, the more expensive the property, the less likely there is a virtual or video tour of ANY kind.
It's an interesting business....
[QUOTE=Mr. Nashuavideotours... I feel your work is WAY TOO CHEAP! $120 - $300 bucks? Man... do you realize how much professionals get these days? I'm sure you do but I think you are (as a previous poster said) putting a lot of work for such a little fee. The idiot Realtor (most are) gets 20-30 THOUSAND for selling that house... There is a major unbalance of skill vrs. payment in the Videographer business and I always thought it was because Videographers never give themselves enough credit.[/QUOTE]
Todd Kivimaki
June 17th, 2007, 07:30 PM
I agree with you Fred, I think we both have a hard enough time selling them at the price point we are at. I wish it were possible but it isn't.
Dana Salsbury
June 18th, 2007, 12:44 PM
Time will tell how much 'art' can go into these. I don't think this will be a market that will allow much creative expression (i.e. time). For the buyer, just seeing video is a dramatic step up. I don't think voice overs, or even music are necessary. (Yay, I don't have to worry about sound!)
I am STILL riding the fence about buying a vest to do these things! Aack!