Jeff Cottrone
August 29th, 2006, 04:47 PM
Does anyone have any real world tips or tricks specifically addressed to cleaning up dialogue in Adobe Audition? I haven't found what I was looking for on the Adobe forums and so far only located one here.
I'm looking for a workflow of effects (Sound Soap first? then normalize? eq? then compress...?) that is most effective for leveling volume, enhancing the voice quality, and altogether punching up the vocals.
Ben Winter
September 5th, 2006, 07:47 PM
I second this request. Any tips would be great.
Joe Winchester
September 5th, 2006, 08:43 PM
I've had great results with Sound SoapPro first, then some good EQing to get rid of some of the 'tin' sound. Reverb might help a bit, but I don't generally use it. I have used compression before Sound Soap Pro, but I honestly didn't hear a difference with or without it. My Mics are pretty high-end though (Senn MKH-60, Sanken CUB01), so that helps:P Some compression mwould help a mic with more noise.
I'm sure everyone has their own formula for this kind of thing, but it's worked well for me. I'm using LogicPro 7.
Bob Hart
September 5th, 2006, 09:47 PM
There might be some discussion forums around relating to Audition's immediate ancestor, Syntrillium Software's "Cool Edit Pro".
Things have probably come along some since I last played with it which was Cool Edit Pro v1.5.
My personal preference has been to equalise, then apply any noise reduction needed, normalise to 95% if there are any levels right on the edge, then apply the dynamic effects, such as compression/expansion. However I am no sound engineer so my personal preference should not be given much heed.
I've got some files for 78 rpm recordiing recovery such as de-RIAA, and re-equalise to some of the popular disk recording equalisations which were around before RIAA equalisation. However, these may be too old now for Audition or maybe not even compatable.
Patomakarn Nitanontawat
September 5th, 2006, 11:39 PM
A Multi band compressor works wonders. I'm sure Audition has them. Instead of shelving the freq you want with an extrmemly high Q, you compressed a very narrow band instead. Might have to google around on how a multi band compressor works first, not stuff for the faint of heart.