View Full Version : HCR-Z1 verses Canon XL1-s

Stephen Kettyles
August 26th, 2006, 07:28 AM
I know the title of this post is a bit misleading but I currently use the xl1-s kit for shooting weddings. However i am increasingly frustated with the resluts from the camera. Anyone who knows the camera will be familiar with the lens hunting problems. All the advice anyone gives is to use the lens in manual focus but it is still impossible to tell if you are in focus using the viewfinder etc. And anyway the way I shoot the event I need to be able to pick up the camera at any moment and shoot straight away. I dont always have time to check focus etc. Due to this and many other issues with the camera I have decided to change my kit. I ma seriously thinking about the HCR-z1. Has anyone here had experience of both cameras. My XL1-s is not two years old yet and all the associated Canon kit that I bought for it has been a substantial outlay. Now as you will appreciate I am looking at another large purchase for the sony cam and kit. Will it be worth my while?


Ian Thomas
August 26th, 2006, 01:03 PM
Hi Stephen

I have been useing a XL2 for weddings and although the pictures are awesome i do find it a lump, Iam now getting a FX1 for weddings i used one last year and found it to be better handling wise and of course you can shot in SD and also true 16:9 which the XL1 won't

Although the kit that you have got is very good it might be time to move to the Z1

Gareth Watkins
August 26th, 2006, 04:17 PM
Hi Stephen

I currently use the Z1, but have a friend I work with who has used the XL1 but recently moved to the XL2, rather than the Z1.

If you are used to the XL1 then remaining with Canon and updating to an XL2 would seem the logical move... At present HDV is of little use for general DVD production.

That said I persoannly love the compactness of the Z1 and all the other features it has, and have never been a big fan of the quirky Canon cameras...

Either way you'll be moving to native 16.9 cameras so what ever you opt for will be a major step forward in format and featrures...


John M. McCloskey
August 28th, 2006, 07:57 AM
Having run a XL2 and the Z1 I lean way towards the Z1. Focusing seemed to be a big issue you had with your XL1 and I understand, the Z1 with red peeking on and monitoring with the LCD screen is truly remarkable. The only thing you may run into with the Z1 is low light problems. Dont be affraid to go up to 9 gain in those situations it looks great. Also if you go with the Z1 I highly recommend a LANC Varizoom product, the VZ rock works well. One other thing you will like about the Z1 is the capabilities of the picture profile settings, they are quick to enable and give you capabilities to change your video asthetics literally on the fly. If you see a shot you would like to saturate the colors in press the pp button corresponding to your saturated settings and let it go. Awsome camera.