View Full Version : DVC 6- Face The Problem - Darryl Ahye

Darryl Ahye
August 24th, 2006, 03:43 PM
Thanks for watching my movie!

I finally made my feedback thread. I had no idea where the page to post it was. Hope its not to late to get some feedback and constructive criticism.

I didn't need a diclaimer this time around :)

Meryem Ersoz
August 24th, 2006, 04:15 PM
hey, i didn't have to sear my retinas with this one!

some really cool camera work. i like your visual sense. you have a good eye.

if i had a constructive bit of criticism, it would be: this piece is too narrative to be experimental and too experimental to be a narrative. get a little more committed to one or the other, and i think it will help your piece to sustain its edge (which flattens out about 2/3rds of the way through).

nice going!

Dennis Khaye
August 24th, 2006, 04:39 PM
Nice job Darryl and company. Some edgy stuff I like blurring the lines stuff. I agree with the flattening out though. The energy could have been pumped up at that 2/3rds spot. Some good photography there too.

Michael Fossenkemper
August 24th, 2006, 05:27 PM
I loved the camera work and editing. Great direction and acting. You knew what was going on without a word being said. Just thought there might have been to many sleep wakes. I kind of lost what the flying thing was about, but man did it sure look good. I really love some of the shots in here. Great work. Looks like you put a lot into it.

Lorinda Norton
August 24th, 2006, 07:57 PM
Darryl, your movie just blew my socks off. From a technical standpoint it was exciting and seemed nearly flawless to me, plus the story had me going. So, I'm hoping you will explain what went on with the guy's reaction to the sun and the flying, because I got lost, too.

This is the first time I've seen 3D in one of these. That was so cool!!!

Jay Silver
August 24th, 2006, 10:38 PM
A very, very stylish movie. It did lose that a bit toward the end, I assume because you needed a more direct narrative to get the conclusion across. Getting a balance between the two is a tough row to hoe and I think you made a really good attempt. The next one's going to be awesome!

Great short.


Robert Martens
August 25th, 2006, 05:03 AM
I got the sense that the character was sick of the sun waking him up, and decided to fly up and push it away. To the other side of the Earth, or something similar. That, or he just smacked it really hard and it "fell" out of the sky, letting him get some rest.

I can't think of anything I'd like to see done differently here. The flying bit seemed perfectly obvious to me, and I think the wake/sleep cycle worked just fine; in my mind, only two cycles would have sent the message "two days have passed in the life of this character", instead of the intended "this character is exhausted from doing the same boring routine day in and day out" that I get from three of them in a row. They might have been a little faster, I suppose, but I got the idea.

A significant leap over your last film, though I liked that one as well, and a great "Sun" entry.

Hugh DiMauro
August 25th, 2006, 07:14 AM
Meryem hit a bullseye with her narrative/experimental comment. That piece would fit like a glove as an insert in a mainstream movie where a character experiences a reaction of sorts to a certain boredom/stress of mundane life. And therein lies the rub: Technically speaking, your piece is so well made that it deserves to be part of a bigger fantastic whole.

Darryl Ahye
August 25th, 2006, 12:59 PM
Robert Martens- was right on the money there...the sun frustrated him to the point where he had to get rid of it. Finally allowing him to get a decent nights sleep.
Great stuff people thanks for the criticism.

I'm just glad I didn't offend anybody this time around :)

Sean McHenry
August 25th, 2006, 10:40 PM
Initially I was thinking of both the Neo/Superman thing in Matrix and the old Superman thing of flying so fast in reverse he went back in time. If he only went back a few hours he could get some extra sleep.

Interestingly done. Sort of reminds me of some of the scenes in Garden State where they accelerate the film for a passage of time.

Good job on all that. I hate to fool with artistic intent so let me know if this is off base but, I would have done color correction or been more careful about initial white balances. You can still get the feel of day or night without shifting the coloring, or rather not shifting them to a noramal range.

Other than that, cool stuff.


Dick Mays
August 26th, 2006, 06:50 AM
Interesting to watch. I watched it three times, to understand the premise. THe flying stuff was way cool, as was the ground breaking under his feet. I loved the foley sound as the ground cracked.

But the dude's problem is not the SUN. He's got to get find a reason to get out of bed. I'd have preferred if he had not returned to sleep and had some meaningful life experience that caused a change in his character arc.

(Pardon last remark, old method acting training flashback.)