Mirko Kulig
August 24th, 2006, 05:26 AM
hello folks,
I'm using Vegas 6 for editing a documentary, and I'm generally pretty satisfied. Only problem is that sometimes when moving clips along the timeline or when I ripple delete part of a clip, a little gap of about 1 frame remains between the clips. Sometimes I can solve it by enlarging and moving manually the following clip, sometimes I need to extend the previous clip into the gap. It's a pretty annoying problem which takes time to get fixed.
I thought that it may be a problem of the ruler settings, but couldn't find the right configuration to avoid it.
Thanks to anyone for suggestions
Mirko Kulig
Graham Bernard
August 24th, 2006, 05:46 AM
Well I use 2 approaches:
1 - Don't create them to start with! And I use Auto Ripple to make sure deletes are "closed-up"
2 - Get yourself familiar with Vegas Scripts! These are great little macro-type tools. There are several out there for free that will "Remove Gaps"
I use the Excalibur toolset:
. .and chedck out the Edward Troxel Vegas Scripting and Newsletters:
Also checkout VASSTs site which has a HUGEmungous amount of valuable tools: http://vasst.com/
Graham Bernard
August 24th, 2006, 05:49 AM
Ah! Yes . .get yourself over to DVInfo's Vegas site! ! Loads to pickup on there . .. oh yes!
Mirko Kulig
August 24th, 2006, 05:52 AM
Thanks Graham. I'll have a look at the sites.
Mirko Kulig
Graham Bernard
August 24th, 2006, 06:19 AM
OOps! Forgot this page too!
John Meyer produces fab scripts too! Here he has a script that will delete gaps FOR THAT TARCK. Try it out?
Mirko Kulig
August 24th, 2006, 06:49 AM
I took a look at the sites, and there seem to be quite interesting stuff. But still I don't understand. I've checked it again, and it looks like the program is able to cut a frame in the middle of it but then when it comes to put the clips together even with auto ripple, either it overlaps them for a tiny slice of a frame, or it leaves a gap. Problem is, the gap is then visible while watching the video.
Mirko Kulig
August 24th, 2006, 08:01 AM
I tried one of John Meyers scripts, and it seems to work quite fine. Thanks for the link. Mainly, what I found out is that if you move for example at the beginning of the audio fade out before the end of a clip, you can cut the last frame in that position, but you are far away from the frame's beginning. So you are actually cutting somehow just a slice of a frame which under certain circumstances (not always) may become visible as a black gap during preview. As far as I could understand from other forums, this is a Vegas bug.
Thanks again for the help