Lonnie Bell
August 21st, 2006, 12:17 PM
it has been explained to me, and please correct me if i'm wrong, that any effect, transition, most anything other than a simple straight cut edit, involves a renderering (although today's g5's do it faster than real time), there's still mathmatical computations and truncating of data or rounding off of data - thus a minor loss in quality...
now my question is: with the Redrock Micro, obviously every frame has to go through the image flip in post, and therefore the above mentioned hoops, bells, and whistles, so is the quality loss just negligible of this type of "effect" (an image flip)...
any Redrock Micro people care to chime in...
your thoughts would be appreciated,
Matthew Nayman
August 21st, 2006, 01:33 PM
You should post this in the Alternative imaging forum... :)
I have noticed too great a loss when I "Rotate" the image, but if I "flip" horizontal and vertical, it looks off
Lonnie Bell
August 21st, 2006, 01:59 PM
so Matthew,
you have indeed noticed a loss in quality with a FLIP...
and may i inquire which editing platform and machine your using - i have been told that 64 bit editing platforms handle this a little better, but i'm curious as to what you are experiencing per what software and hardware...
Brian Valente
August 24th, 2006, 12:20 PM
It really depends on the NLE. I use a workflow that includes CineForm, which has an M2 mode and flips on ingest, so there is no loss. Also, I have heard with various editors flip vs. rotate has different results. One renders, the other doesn't. I am not a FCP user, but one of them does not result in any rendering. Some testing would help you figure that out pretty quickly
Ben Winter
August 26th, 2006, 04:56 PM
Tsk tsk. Double posting is frowned upon. Try to keep it to one post :)
Lonnie Bell
August 29th, 2006, 03:05 AM
well Ben,
i posted here first not aware that a site that tsked-tsked double posting would actually have two seperate forums on extremely similar devices - however arguably better one contraption may be over the other...
so i took the advice, and put the other post under the alternative image forum, with something to the effect: "was advised i originally posted in the "wrong" area, so now i'm copying here"...
i'd rather risk the "tsk", than to miss information - words to live by...