Daniel Morgan
August 19th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Hey everyone,
Damn the SG has come on alot since I last used it. We've just finished (everything except titles) a 2-minute promo for the Swedish artist Tobias Froberg. The whole thing is lit with natural light or whatever sources of light were available at particular locations. All shots are handheld apart from the acoustic tracking shot where the two are sat on a bench.
Everything is from a DVX100a with the SGPRO. There are a few shots which dont use the SG, these are some of the other angles during the live performance.
Only 50mm 1.4 lens was used.
(Wayne if your reading this, get in touch I want to buy one asap!)
We're in the middle of setting up our website @ www.mediafree.co.uk/gigstore - the video links dont work yet. If anyone is working in London and wants to get in touch send me a PM we dont really know what we're doing in this city yet.
Damn the SG has come on alot since I last used it. We've just finished (everything except titles) a 2-minute promo for the Swedish artist Tobias Froberg. The whole thing is lit with natural light or whatever sources of light were available at particular locations. All shots are handheld apart from the acoustic tracking shot where the two are sat on a bench.
Everything is from a DVX100a with the SGPRO. There are a few shots which dont use the SG, these are some of the other angles during the live performance.
Only 50mm 1.4 lens was used.
(Wayne if your reading this, get in touch I want to buy one asap!)
We're in the middle of setting up our website @ www.mediafree.co.uk/gigstore - the video links dont work yet. If anyone is working in London and wants to get in touch send me a PM we dont really know what we're doing in this city yet.