View Full Version : new tripod soon, what colour?
Dylan Couper March 3rd, 2003, 06:21 PM Unless I find a good deal on a used tripod, I'm probably going to buy a new tripod soon. Most likely a Bogen/Manfrotto 503 head/500 series legs.
The question is, should I get silver legs, or black? Black is $20 more.
Frank Granovski March 3rd, 2003, 06:30 PM Get the black. With silver, and in a studio setting with lights, you can get reflection from the silver legs. Don't believe me? I can show you some of my screwed-up pictures from bounced studio light reflecting off of my friend's (silver) tripod. (I have the black legs.) I suggest getting the Manfrotto case for the legs/head. You don't want scratches now.
Ken Tanaka March 4th, 2003, 01:54 AM Conversely, if you plan on shooting in the hot summer sun silver will be much kinder to your touch.
Of course, that may not be a major issue up there in the beautiful, moderate but moist climate of western B.C.
Frank Granovski March 4th, 2003, 04:25 AM By God, you're right about silver reflecting the sun/heat on those hot sunny days. I've lived away from those hot Winnipeg summers too long. You're also correct about our cool summers here in Vancouver. At least I find them cool; and when you head up to higher elevations, it gets darn cold! I hate camping in the mountains. The nights are very cold---too cold for this guy. Hey! It's my birthday today (March 4). I'm 49 now! Help. What should I do? I know, buy some more cam gear.
John Locke March 4th, 2003, 05:31 AM Wear more black?
Dylan Couper March 4th, 2003, 09:54 AM Happy Birthday Frank!
So one argument for silver, one for black.
The heat isn't as much an issue here.
Either one tent to impress the clients more?
Michael Buendia March 4th, 2003, 10:05 AM frank,
my b-day to! i knew i liked you for some odd reason ;)
Wayne Orr March 4th, 2003, 10:14 AM Most pros will opt for the black. I can't remember the last time I saw a set of chrome sticks. While we are at it, I am curious why you chose the 500MV tripod, as that uses a 100mm ball and is meant for a heavier load than most dv cameras. Not that you can't use it, but of course it is more expensive. It is usually shown with a heavier pan head, I think its the 516. This would be more appropriate for a betacam sized camera. Be certain the 503 will mate to the 100mm ball.
Jeff Donald March 4th, 2003, 10:26 AM Wayne, you forgot to tell Vinten ( their tripods aren't used professionals.
Ivan Hedley Enger March 4th, 2003, 10:36 AM Happy Birthday from me too Frank! Of course you should buy some more cam gear.
Have a nice day.
Best regards
Alex Portugal March 4th, 2003, 10:52 AM My for what to do on the b-day...BUY MORE GEAR:)
Ken Tanaka March 4th, 2003, 11:19 AM Happy Birthday, Frank! Geez, we're the same age.
Wayne Orr March 4th, 2003, 11:43 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Jeff Donald : Wayne, you forgot to tell Vinten ( their tripods aren't used professionals. -->>>
You're right Jeff. I see so few Vintens in the field, I forgot about them. But I don't think matte grey is the same as chrome. BTW, have you seen the color of the Vinten Pro line? Opps. Forgot. Not available in the States.
Keith Loh March 4th, 2003, 01:23 PM Happy birthday Frank. Hope to meet you someday seeing as we're in the same area and I read your posts every week.
Frank Granovski March 4th, 2003, 03:10 PM Thanks for all the happy birthday comments---and happy birthday to you as well, mbuendia4. I was born late in the evening during a major Winnipeg snow storm (1954). The stork that brought me had to wear a parka.
Back to the legs, Black does look more professional also, as Wayne suggests, at least to me.
Dylan Couper March 4th, 2003, 10:51 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Wayne Orr : Most pros will opt for the black. I can't remember the last time I saw a set of chrome sticks. While we are at it, I am curious why you chose the 500MV tripod, as that uses a 100mm ball and is meant for a heavier load than most dv cameras. Not that you can't use it, but of course it is more expensive. It is usually shown with a heavier pan head, I think its the 516. This would be more appropriate for a betacam sized camera. Be certain the 503 will mate to the 100mm ball. -->>>
Why the 500MV? #1 reason is it folds down to a shorter size than the 350 sticks. :)
Once place told me it was $200 more than the 350 sticks. The other told me it was $50 more. As far as the 100mm ball goes, eventually I will be going to a heavier camera, so I might as well buy a tripod that will hold it now. The 503 head will fit it.
I actually thought the silver sticks looked better than the black ones, but if there is a chance of reflections back into the scene, I'll go black.
John Threat March 6th, 2003, 06:32 AM I have silver sticks. I got them from BH, it came with a free bag. (bogen/manfrotto). I wanted black because silver you can see from far away on a summer day, and I don't like to have flashy things. The black ones were the same price, but they didnt come with a free bag (cost about $75 alone)
So I am stuck with silver, however it's simple to put a whiteboard or something in front of them in reflection is a problem.
Jeff Donald March 6th, 2003, 06:46 AM I use several Bogen tripods for still photography and some are silver. I cover the legs with foam insulation (pipe insulation) so I can comfortably carry the tripod over my shoulder. It also protects my hands from blistering heat on a sunny day with the black legs.
John Threat March 6th, 2003, 10:31 PM No matter what colour it is, in the cold, use gloves to handle the metal parts or you will reduce the time you are able to spent outside by a factor of 10.
I nearly lost my hands after adjusting some metal sticks in the freezing cold with bare hands.
Jeff Donald March 6th, 2003, 10:48 PM Another good reason to put insulation on the legs.
Barry Rivadue March 8th, 2003, 06:45 PM Would anyone know how to address E-mail to Leo's Camera Supply in Vancouver? I can't find any contact info at their website other than a phone #.
Frank Granovski March 8th, 2003, 08:42 PM I have their e-mail link on this page:
Dylan Couper March 9th, 2003, 03:49 AM Going back to tripod colour, for what it's worth, I participated in the Vancouver 24 hour film competition today. 20 teams of 8 people gathered in one spot. I counted aproximately 10 "professional" tripods (mostly Manfrotto 501/350 combos). Out of these 10, 10 of them were grey/silver. 0 of them were black.
Maybe because Leo's Camera (THE downtown camera shop) seems to only stock silver video tripod legs...?
John Threat March 9th, 2003, 09:22 AM That's an interesting number. Maybe the extra cost of the black legs stops a lot of people.
Dylan Couper March 9th, 2003, 10:57 AM From the sets of sticks I've been looking at, black costs $20-$50 more. Not a huge difference on a $800(cdn) tripod, but perhaps enough to make independent shooters think twice.
Actually, I think the fact that Leo's doesn't usualy stock them in black is a real reason. WHen I was there, I asked them for the 500mv series sticks in black, and they outright told me they don't come in black, only silver. Which is an outright lie, as I was at another place 30 minutes before, holding a black set in my hands.
Wayne Orr March 9th, 2003, 12:39 PM I want to ammend my original reply. I said I could not remember the last time I saw a set of "chrome" sticks. The 350MV (3181 in US) sticks come in "anodized aluminum" which is a matte finish and not to be compared to chrome. Not unlike the Vinten with their matte grey finish. If I were you, I would have no qualms about saving the extra dough and purchasing theses sticks. Unless of course, you wanted to go against the "herd" thinking up there. Of course there is no figuring why a retailer carries only one color. Could be any number of reasons. Remember that Vinten makes a Pro line in black that is not available in the US.
The whole point was to get you to avoid the chrome, which is available in some of the Bogen/Manfrotto line. Sorry if I contributed to any confusion.
Dylan Couper March 9th, 2003, 05:36 PM I think I said silver, which is the colour of anno'ed aluminum.
Crome would be pretty cool, but crazy.
Barry Rivadue March 11th, 2003, 08:21 AM Thanks, Frank!
Frank Granovski March 15th, 2003, 01:32 AM Make sure you ask them for black ones! My tripod is black, and they are so sexy. Everytime the whiff looks at them, standing beside my huge desk, she gets jealous. (She hates my desk too!) Thank God my 18 pound black female cat attacks her when she gets too close to my pod. (She hates the cat too.)
Bryan Beasleigh March 16th, 2003, 08:01 PM Buy the black with leg warmers. Leg warmers are nothing more than black rubber insulation that's made to fit the upper portion of the legs. Easy to grab and your hand doesn't stick in cold weather. It's a bit more robust than standard pipe insulation (it cost more too).