View Full Version : Films recieved

Dylan Couper
August 13th, 2006, 11:43 PM
Not sending out individual emails to let you know if I've got your film. Why? Cause I'm working on finishing mine. :)

So far I've recieved the works of:
William Gardner
Gabriel Allon
Mugurel Dragusin
Edward Slonaker
John Brickner
Chris Barcellos
Michael Isdes
Kris Holodak
Michael Teutsche
Justin Tomchuk
Michael Fossenkemper
Jeff Tyler
Dick Mays
Sean McHenry
Fredrik Larsson
Bruce Broussard
Dennis, what kind of email name is "Duzzit Madder"? :)
Lorinda Norton
Darryl Ahye
Andrew Hood

James Huenergardt
August 14th, 2006, 12:03 AM
Hmm, I emailed mine around 7:30pm tonight, but didn't see my name on the list. I sent it again from a different account, hopefully it will get through.


Dennis Khaye
August 14th, 2006, 12:09 AM
Dennis, what kind of email name is "Duzzit Madder"?

LOL, it's funny, it started out as my catch all account for spammers but I got so many comments on it I just kept using it.

Adrinn Chellton
August 14th, 2006, 02:24 AM
Ohh!!! I sent you my link on Friday Dylan .

Clicked on your name and sent it that way I hope I didn't mess up too bad!

I just saw that it was supposed to go you another way in a thread so that must be my mix-up.

Dylan Couper
August 14th, 2006, 08:37 AM
Colton Davie
Justin Jesseli
Robert Martens
Eric Gan
Jay Silver
Christopher Wang
Hugo Pinto
Adrinn Chellton
Pete Ferling
James Huenergardt
Dylan Couper

Dylan Couper
August 14th, 2006, 08:40 AM

Thanks to everyone who participated...
Dirty look of shame for all those who dropped out, I'll have a special guilt trip just for you later.