Chris Youell
August 11th, 2006, 09:17 AM
I know this is more of a support forum than anything else, but after reading all of these posts of people saying they are having trouble, I was wondering if anybody has gotten an FS4 (or any other version of it) and had no problems. I'm really looking into getting some of these for a big trip I'm taking this coming year and I'm concerned whether these are very reliable. Thanks.
Daniel Kohl
August 18th, 2006, 03:30 PM
Hi Chris,
I have been using the FS-4 Pro for around a year now. It has been functioning consistently, which means I have been able to get used to a few of its quirks. But I am in fact shooting more and more often tapeless. Which means I trust the thing. However, I would still not shoot tapeless in situations where I could not repeat the shot if I had to. This is mostly due to user interface problems with the unit and not it's stability. For example delays in being able to start a shot after the camera has been put in standby and the FS-4 has been turned off. The connection between the two devices doesn't always work the first time. And there are a few other things that can allow the user to accidentally not record.
But I am very happy with my FS-4 Pro. It has saved me a lot of time and made some aspects of production much easier (like reviewing shot material). I have never had a drop-out, or corrupted video file since I started using it.
I hope that that helps,