View Full Version : Rain!

Eric Gan
August 10th, 2006, 10:07 AM's pissing rain outside on my one shoot day. Damn Raincouver (although the past week has been pretty much sunny everyday). I'm convinced Dylan has something to do with this...

Jeff Tyler
August 10th, 2006, 12:47 PM
that sucks its been sunny every single day since the theme was announced here. I only have to shoot a little bit more yet then im good.

Sean McHenry
August 10th, 2006, 08:54 PM
Sloth may be one of the Seven Deadly Sins but it won't get you off the wall of shame. Tisk, tisk. Perfectly good camera, XL1s just sitting there? Go shoot something. All cameras need to feel wanted.

I just put a roll of film through a 1902 Kodak Number 0 pocket folding camera. How old is your camera?


Meryem Ersoz
August 10th, 2006, 10:48 PM
everything i've read about this "sun" theme is so dang literal...buncha folks out there blasting away on their sensors. where is the imagination, man??

the sun is, like, one of the most ubiquitous images out there. it's everywhere, not just in the sky. isn't there a buddhist magazine titled "the sun?" can't you just have someone reading it in a coffeehouse or something? you must know *someone* with a sun tattoo...they're everywhere. better still, go get one. film that! should be good for a laugh! and your mom will be so pleased....

Lorinda Norton
August 10th, 2006, 11:49 PM
But it’s just too much more fun telling these woeful tales! For instance…

Out here we’ve endured weeks of 95-100+ degree heat with no clouds or rain in sight. Today, the only day I had actors, big banks of clouds covered THE SUN and the wind blew. I was thankful for the relief, but…

While we were out in the middle of nowhere setting up we heard thunder that sounded darn close by. I looked up in time to get a splat of rain in my face, so we took cover (after covering the cameras) while the only cloud with rain and lightning in it passed overhead. So much for the hot, dusty look I was after…

The county where I live got listed yesterday as the worst in the nation for West Nile virus in humans. With every new mosquito bite I scratched today I had to wonder…

Just after we got home from the shoot a 55 mph dirt storm blasted through the valley, tearing one of my big trees nearly in half. When the dirt subsided it was replaced by thick smoke from lightning-caused wildfires. I guess it was good that I scrapped my tripod/dolly shots in favor of handheld in order to get done sooner.

Maybe Eric is right. Maybe Dylan has been sitting at home having fun with voodoo dolls or something. ;)

Justin Tomchuk
August 11th, 2006, 09:19 AM
You could film a movie about the sun without the sun actually being in it. Or you could film a movie about you filming a movie about the sun when it doesn't stop raining. BAM.

Meryem Ersoz
August 11th, 2006, 10:40 AM
i think i'm just jealous that i have no woeful tale of my own!

Greg Boston
August 11th, 2006, 10:56 AM
i think i'm just jealous that i have no woeful tale of my own!

See there, if you hadn't bought my Camkote cover, you could invoke the rain and dust storm excuses. But now those are gone cause you have great camera protection available. ;-)


Meryem Ersoz
August 11th, 2006, 11:12 AM
my real excuse is that i didn't sign up for DVC6! that's about as good as they get! i was just having a pang of jealousy...

oh well, it was for a good cause. i'm off to celebrate another weekend of growing old and wrinkly....

Bill Hamell
August 11th, 2006, 12:12 PM
"When life gives you lemons make lemonaide."

So when Mother Nature gives you rain, film it.

After all the sun lights rainy days as well.

Wish I had signed up. :-(


Bruce Broussard
August 11th, 2006, 12:49 PM
I think I may have cheated the weather. All of my shoot is indoors. I don't even know if it was raining!

Eric Gan
August 12th, 2006, 04:07 AM
Okay, so I managed to shoot it. Lots of mistakes noted while trying to cut this thing. Frustrating, but I guess it's a good learning process. This was the first time I've shot day-for-night, and I can see what works and what doesn't. Unfortunately, a lot of the "what doesn't" shots will have to be included in my movie.

Dylan Couper
August 12th, 2006, 09:01 PM
everything i've read about this "sun" theme is so dang literal...buncha folks out there blasting away on their sensors. where is the imagination, man??

Well put. :)