View Full Version : DR-HD100 out of stock?

Stephen Knapp
August 4th, 2006, 03:59 PM
I've had an 80 gig unit on order since mid June from a reliable east coast vendor - and they can't get JVC to deliver. I checked with another outfit in North Carolina who had advertised the same price, to see if they had any in stock. They didn't, and called back after a few hours and said that JVC isn't filling orders on these right now.

Anyone know what's up?

Steve Benner
August 4th, 2006, 05:55 PM
Ask Matt McEwen in this forum:

He is the Focus Rep here.

Maybe he can look into it for you.

Stephen Knapp
August 4th, 2006, 10:20 PM
I have done as you suggested, Steve. However, the reps from both companies were pretty specific that the failed promises are coming from JVC people. Is this happening with just the 80 gig unit, or the 40 as well?

Steve Benner
August 5th, 2006, 05:17 AM
I don't see how it is JVC's fault since Focus is the one who makes them, but I didn't know there was a problem...B&H has been out for a while...I bought mine off ebay...

Stephen Knapp
August 5th, 2006, 06:54 AM
Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how it works either, but it's my understanding that JVC set the specs for a dedicated unit (which can be used with other products from other companies) designed to work with the GY-HD100, came up with the name, and is the primary marketing source for these to their authorized dealers. Focus Enhancements makes the units under that agreement, and when it promotes the unit does so in association with the name of the JVC camera. It is not officially promoted as another part of the Firestore line which is good for all kinds of cameras (even though I have been told by the FE company pres that the DR-HD100 will work with my Sony and other cameras the same as any Firestore).

So apparently, even though Focus Enhancements makes it, JVC is responsible for it. And right now they aren't delivering them - or so I'm being told.

This isn't gospel, it's just the best I can do to piece it together from what I have so far. But the bottom line is that I still can't get delivery on an item I ordered nearly 2 months ago, and nobody else seems to have one. Hence my question, does anybody at JVC know what's up?