Manuel Coronado
August 4th, 2006, 03:13 AM
No one can seem to answer this question and i've been looking all over for an answer so hopefully someone can answer this. How can I capture 24F footage in standard definition mode??? I shot a Jazz band performance and tried capturing it through Premier 2.0 in 24P mode. The raw AVI file looks fantastic but after all the cutting and exporting, the end result looks horrible. So if someone has a solution on how to capture it properly, regardless of what program to use, and also a good format to export it. It will end up on a DVD, so any suggestions would be great.
Pete Bauer
August 4th, 2006, 05:36 AM
Hi Manuel and welcome to DVi. I'm not quite clear on your workflow...are you shooting in HDV or SD, and if in HDV, are you downcoverting in-camera or within PPro?
Depending on workflow the solutions may be a bit different. But either way, though, if your initially captured AVI file plays properly but export of an edited timeline is bad, the problem lies within the PPro workflow. Can you provide us with a frame grab or short clip of the problem, and a listing of the camera settings, PPro project settings (including pull-down options), and what PPro shows in the "interpret footage" dialog?
Manuel Coronado
August 7th, 2006, 07:07 PM
The way I captured it was in 24F in Standard Definition. I did no down-converting from the camera. The pulldown on the camera was 2:3. I recorded to an HDV/DV Sony Tape. I captured the footage to my computer via Firewire using PPRO. I captured in the 24pDV setting. When I've exported i've used the Microsoft DV AVI option and the Microsoft AVI option and I get the same result. The image looks very ghostlike, like with a trail especially in panning sequences. The "Interpret Footage" Box follows like this:
Use Frame Rate from file 23.9760 is selected
Remove 24P DV Pulldown is selected
Conform to: Square pixels is selected
If you need anymore information please ask and thank you again for your help.
Chris Chang
August 7th, 2006, 11:52 PM
i've never dealt with 24F but here i go...
ask yourself if you really need 24 fps.
trying to save bitrate? trying to save disk space? need to recover progressive frames to do compositing? planning on doing lots of quick edits?
if you answered no to all of those, don't bother reversing the pulldown.
Ash Greyson
August 8th, 2006, 10:11 AM
You shot in 2:3 not 2:3:3:2, that is the problem. You should be editing on a 29.97 timeline. You CAN pull 24 frames out of 2:3 footage but I dont recommend it as it takes some extra processing and PPro just doesnt like to rebuild the c frame correctly.
ash =o)
Manuel Coronado
August 8th, 2006, 04:08 PM
So even though I shot it in 24F on the camera would editing it in the 29.97 timeline work???
Ash Greyson
August 8th, 2006, 10:17 PM
Yes, if you shot in 2:3 mode. You applied the 24P look to footage in a 60i stream. 2:3:3:2 footage is more suited to pull the 24 frames out for editing in a 60i timeline.
ash =o)
Manuel Coronado
August 9th, 2006, 05:02 PM
It worked!!!! Thanks for the help Ash.