View Full Version : Time Code

Gabor Lacza
August 2nd, 2006, 02:21 PM
when doing a 2 camera shot with an additional mp3 recorder recording an event continously what is the best Time code format to use on the Z1 so the 2 camera and the mp3 can be easily synched later on???

Chris Hocking
August 3rd, 2006, 09:34 AM
I'm not sure why you would want to record your audio to an additional MP3 recorder?

Why not record straight to either (or both) of the Z1's?

That'll save you HEAPS of problems, and the quality will most probably be better.

To sync the cameras together have a look at this article by Chris Hurd:

Z1U Free Run Time Code as an External Sync (

Gabor Lacza
August 3rd, 2006, 02:20 PM
Hi Chris,
Both Z1U will be far away from the amplifier so it would be difficult to run cables to them....that is why I thought to run wireless mics for the groom and the priest and record on an mp3 the entire ceremony from the line out of the it a bad idea?

Ervin Farkas
August 3rd, 2006, 02:34 PM
Szervusz Gabor es udvozlet Atlantabol egy volt Erdely-i havertol...

First, if you are using wireless mikes and a wireless receiver, why not plug the receiver into one of the cameras instead of the mp3 recorder.

If, for any reason you can't do that, this is what I would do if your cameras will be running non-stop (actually I tested this when doing a 3 cam recording to test the multicam editing capability of APPRO 2.0): at the very beginning of the recording, direct both camcorders to a person and have him clap his hands (of course, having the mp3 recording running as well). If you're close enough with the camcorders, this noise will also be picked up by the on-board mikes. Then in post, you will be able to simply drag the two videos and the audio over each other vertically while watching the audio waveform and you're in sync!

Gabor Lacza
August 3rd, 2006, 03:06 PM
Szia Ervin,
Thanks for the answer....yes i was thinking something like that about syncing the audio and video...

At the cermony they will have 3 mikes on stand for the priest, groom and the for the bride...the best way is to have them all is via the receiver with the mp3...I will have my wireless mics but I dont think that audio will be better than the previosly mentioned.

Mark Utley
August 3rd, 2006, 03:30 PM
at the very beginning of the recording, direct both camcorders to a person and have him clap his hands
Why not use the method described in the link posted above? It keeps a perfectly synced timecode continuously running, regardless of whether or not the camera is recording or even powered on. Your timecodes are always synced, you're free to stop recording and there's no frame tweaking to be done in post.

Chris Hocking
August 3rd, 2006, 08:48 PM
As Mark said, I would just sync the cameras together. It's so much easier! Yes you could run non-stop and manually match up the footage, but what a waste of tape and time.

I also think it would be easier to run cables than it would be to try re-sync all the footage/sound in post. But, if its completely impossible to run cables (which I doubt), yes you could always set up a wireless transmitter/reciever and record to the MP3 as a backup. Just make sure you match the audio recorder settings to the format you recording on the Z1, or else when you bring it into your NLE, you'll have to stuff around to match it up.

Personally, if cable are definitely out, I would hire/borrow/steal a good broadcast quality transmitter/reciever (Shure make a very reliable one) and record to one of the Z1s, and another recorder as a backup. When you say MP3 though, it makes me think of some cheap and nasty domestic recorder. I'd just make sure you trust it!

Also, if you are ONLY running wireless gear, why not just put it straight into the cameras? Priest on Channel 1/Camera 1, Groom on Channel 2/Camera 2, Another on Channel 1/Camera 2, Another on Channel 2/Camera 2.