View Full Version : Any word or rumor of a 3 CCD version?

Bill Edmunds
July 30th, 2006, 08:57 PM
There is a big hole in the 3 CCD 720p palmcorder market. I hope JVC does something about it.

Bo Smith
July 31st, 2006, 12:35 PM
Add 24P & 60P in 720P, and put a nice 16x lens on it, and I'd buy one. It'd be a perfect B cam to the HD100 series, or a nice A cam for those of us who'd want to do shorts or music vids in 24P, and still be able to shoot sports or slo-mo at 60P, all while staying in 720P, and not having to spend close to $8K.

Bill Edmunds
July 31st, 2006, 01:16 PM
JVC, would you care to comment? Please?

Zach Love
July 31st, 2006, 06:43 PM
I dunno if anyone else has noticed this, but JVC has moved the online page for the HD10 into the archives on their site (the HD1 is still in their current consumer cameras section). I'm quiet sure that this has happened in the last few weeks.

Sony took off the info for the HDR-HC1 around the time the HDR-HC3 was coming out into the world, so it might mean that JVC has something to announce soon, or it could just mean that JVC wants to focus their Prosumer HD camera customers to a camera that can play more on the betcam level.