View Full Version : Copyrighting a Canadian production

Corey Callahan
July 30th, 2006, 12:53 PM
Hello everyone,

Has anyone here ever put a patent on their production once completed? I am speaking specifically in Canada.

If so, what are the steps in doing it, and who do I contact?


Steve House
July 30th, 2006, 02:18 PM
Hello everyone,

Has anyone here ever put a patent on their production once completed? I am speaking specifically in Canada.

If so, what are the steps in doing it, and who do I contact?


Glenn Chan
July 30th, 2006, 04:40 PM
Scripts can be registered with the WGA (writer's guild of america) or the WGC (writer's guild of canada).

(For Canadian writers:) IIRC, there was some advantage to registering with the WGA... I think it's because they enforce copyright better/aggressively and have more clout. They will back you up even if you aren't a member of the guild.

(loosely paraphrasing) Works are automatically copyrighted once you put it in a fixed form... however, you can register your script as proof that you wrote it at a certain date. That way, someone else can't claim you wrote your script afterwards.
Mailing it to yourself is not a good idea since people can steam open envelopes (i.e. it's not solid proof).

2- Patents are something else.

Corey Callahan
July 31st, 2006, 12:05 PM
Thanks for the help guys...really appreciate it